346 Audit History Report
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This report details the changes to assets, people, person locations, and containers between two dates.
Key Data
Instructions Tab
This contains the instructions for each tab, see below for the details.
Changelog Tab
Changelog Instructions
Displays all changes to assets, people, Person Locations (occupancy), and containers (spaces or teams) between <Edited After Date> and before <Edited Before Date>
The Entity ID column will match IDs from the other tabs and can be used to extract more information:
- Asset - Search the CurrentOwnerID or FutureOwnerID in the People and PersonLocations tab to find more details about that person.
- People and Person Locations - Search the ContainerID in the Containers tab, and search the PersonID in the People and PersonLocations tab to find out more details about them.
- Containers - Search the ContainerTypeID in the Containers tab to find more details about that space.
The columns are:
- Entity ID
- Table
- Field
- Old Value
- New Value
- Implemented By
- Implemented Date
Assets Tab
Assets Instructions
Use this tab to find the ID of the asset you want the history of, then filter the Table column in the Changelog tab to Asset and search for the ID in the Entity ID column.
The columns are:
- Asset ID
- Asset
- Asset Type
- Region
- Building
- Floor
- Current Owner
- Future Owner
- Comments
- Last Updated Date
- Last Updated By
People and PersonLocations Tab
People and PersonLocations Instructions
Use this tab to find the ID of the person or Person Location you want the history of, then filter the Table column in the Changelog tab to Person or Person Location and search for the ID in the Entity ID column.
That there may be more than one Person Location, in which case they will be separated by commas.
The columns are:
- Person
- Person ID
- Employee No
- First Name
- Last Name
- Last Updated Date
- Last Updated By
- Person Location
- Person
- Location IDs
- Region
- Building
- Floor
- Container
Containers Tab
Containers Instructions
Use this tab to find the ID of the space you want the history of, then filter the Table column in the Changelog tab to Container and search for the ID in the Entity ID column.
Example 1
To find out the previous or current Current Owner or Future Owner of a particular asset:
- Get the Asset ID from the Assets tab. If you don't find any results in this report, the Last Updated column will give you an idea of when to run the report for.
- Go to the Changelog tab and filter the Table column to Asset. If you don't find anything, select a different date range.
- Filter the EntityID column to the Asset ID, look at the Old Value column and New Value column in the results and copy the PersonID from either of those columns. If you don't find anything, select a different date range.
- Go to the People and PersonLocations tab and filter the Person ID column to search for the ID you just copied.
If you select large date ranges (more than one month at a time) will significantly affect the performance of the report.
Example 2
To find out which asset was changed recently:
- Go to the Changelog tab and filter the Table column to the Asset, and look at the changes made to all assets recently. Copy the Entity ID value of the asset you want more info on. If you don't find anything, select a different date range.
- Go to the Assets tab and search for the Entity ID you just copied.
The columns are:
- Container ID
- Container Type
- Container Type ID
- Region
- Building
- Floor
- Container Name
- Last Updated Date
- Last Updated By