Endpoint - People
Early Access
The Public API has been released to your UAT environment.
The API has the following endpoints:
Get - Lists the People
- employeeNumber - Employee number for the person.
- name - Person's name.
- orgBusinessKey - Show people assigned to this org unit or any of its descendants.
- managerEmployeeNumber - Show people at any level below this in the hierarchy, i.e. include grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc.
- workAddress - Person's work address.
- active - By default it is true.
- page - Page of data to fetch.
- perPage - Page of data to fetch.
data array<object> Items object EmployeeNumber string SystemLogon string FirstName string PreferredName string LastName string JobTitle string Email string PhoneNumber string Mobile string EmployeeType string EmployeeStatus string ManagerEmployeeNumber string WorkAddress string WorkSuburb string workPostcode string WorkState string WorkCountry string Roles allarray<string> Items string ChatUrl string PhotoUrl string StartDate string OrgName string OrgBusinessKey string EmployeeGrade string Status string meta page integer perPage integer nextPage string | null
- 403 - Error: Forbidden
- 200 - People found
- 403 - Not authorized
Post - Create People
- None
people array<object> List of People to create Items object EmployeeNumber string SystemLogon string FirstName string PreferredName string LastName string JobTitle string Email string PhoneNumber string Mobile string EmployeeType string EmployeeStatus string ManagerEmployeeNumber string Roles string ChatUsername string PhotoUrl string StartDate string OrgName string OrgBusinessKey string CardNo string WorkAddress string WorkSuburb string WorkPostcode string WorkState string WorkCountry string EmployeeGrade string
- 201 - People created
- 206 - People partially created
- 403 - Not authorized
- 422 - Person creation failed
Delete - Archive People
- None
employeeNumbers array<string> Items string
- 200 - People archived successfully
- 206 - People partially archived
- 403 - Not authorized
- 422 - People archive failed
Put - Update People
- None
people array<object> Items object EmployeeNumber string SystemLogon string FirstName string PreferredName string LastName string JobTitle string Email string PhoneNumber string Mobile string EmployeeType string EmployeeStatus string ManagerEmployeeNumber string Roles string ChatUsername string PhotoUrl string StartDate string OrgName string OrgBusinessKey string CardNo string WorkAddress string WorkSuburb string WorkPostcode string WorkState string WorkCountry string EmployeeGrade string
- 200 - People updated
- 206 - Partial content
- 403 - Not authorized
- 422 - Unprocessable entity