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Eptura Knowledge Center

Top Opportunities Panel

The Top Opportunities Panel displays when:
  • the Resident and Non-resident Panel is not being displayed. Refer to Residents and Non-residents Panel.
  • you select any combination of building or team with less than 50 building and 50 teams selected. If you have greater than 50 you will need to filter (drill-down) further e.g. select a sub-region or a building.

The example below displays the data from the portfolio level.




Top Locations Opportunities

Identifies 10 buildings by the top 10 largest number of opportunities including allocation opportunities and utilization opportunities. The green numbers indicate utilization data and the red numbers indicate allocation data.

Top Team Opportunities

Identifies 10 teams by the top 10 largest number of opportunities including allocation opportunities and utilization opportunities. The green numbers indicate utilization data and the red numbers indicate allocation data.