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Add another Impacted Building to the Scenario Move Plan

In the Impacted Building's area you can either:

Add an Impacted Building from a Scenario Move Plan

If you realize that you have another building impacted by your scenario, now you will be able to add the building to your Scenario Move Plan.

From your Scenario Move Plan, complete the following:

  1. Click the Scenario Plan Details clipboard_e98c661a5decf4ede04109af325dc4242.png icon.
  2. In the Impacted Buildings area, click the Edit image2021-8-23_8-56-36.png icon


3. In the Location selector, either browse to the building or enter in the buidling's name. Note that you can add multiple buildings.


4. Click the Update Buildings button.

The building is added to your Scenario Move Plan.

5. Click the Scenario VBS clipboard_efa013943fc77783e76d27fe8b42c6256.png icon.

As you Scenario Move Plan now contains multiple buildings the Building Selection screen displays.


6. Click the building you want to work on in this Scenario Move Plan.

Remember you can switch between the buildings via the Building Selector drop-down.


Remove an Impacted Building from a Scenario Move Plan

When you remove an impacted building, this will remove the building and delete all moves from the Scenario Move Plan.

  1. Click the Scenario Plan Details clipboard_e1461e2e22a9686905430423405b8121b.png icon.
  2. In the Impacted Buildings area, click the Edit image2021-8-23_8-56-36.png icon.


3. For the building, you want to remove, click the Delete image2021-8-23_9-10-46.png icon.

The warning message displays.

Are you sure you want to delete Quincy Office?

If there are any move rows associated with this building they will be automatically reverted when the building is deleted. Before deleting, check the Move Summary screen and review any changes that are associated with this building. Learn more about deleting moves.

All moves related to this building will be permanently deleted from your Scenario Plan and cannot be recovered.

4. Click the Update Buildings button.

The building is removed from the Scenario Move Plan.