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Eptura Knowledge Center

Area Breakdown Dashboard


This dashboard provides a summary of area metrics, including breaking them down by Space Type. The tabular chart at the bottom provides details on building size and its assignment/workpoint ratio metrics, with the opportunity to drill into details for individual buildings.

Special Data Elements

  • Remaining Area - Also known as Unmapped Area, it is the amount of area on floorplans that have no corresponding space.

  • Rentable Area per Workpoint - The rentable area is divided by the number of workpoints.

  • Area per Workpoint - The total area divided by the number of workpoints.

  • Rentable Area per Person - The rentable area is divided by the number of assigned people.

  • Area per Person - The total area divided by the number of assigned people

Special Filters

  • Region Hierarchy Level filters - Filters the region name selector to show only those regions at the chosen hierarchy level and filters data to show values for regions at or below the selected level. Default = 2, which is one below the root node.


  • Area-related columns require the entry of area values for buildings in Serraview.
