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Eptura Knowledge Center

SVLive1 Failure Points and Data Reliability

LDM Communication to MLS

LDM requires a reliable connection from the client machine to the MLS server within the client network. To minimize load and memory usage on the client machine, LDM does not keep a history of past events. If unable to send the event to any of the configured MLS instances the event is lost, unless it is a MacChange event which will periodically attempt to resend.

The impact can differ depending on the event lost:

  • Away/Active message - this will generally result in a longer period of away status or active status, as the previous status is retained.
  • Login message – this will result in a later login time later than actuality, as the next activity will be logged.
  • Logout message – Will result in a longer utilization period.
  • MLS will detect that the MAC address is no longer active on the switch and trigger a log out message after 20 minutes.
  • On the chance that Serraview has a user utilizing space (away or present) and receives no further information, there is a configurable time out to automatically log the user out after 4 (default) hours.

MLS Communication with Wi-Fi

If connection is lost between MLS and the Wi-Fi services, Serraview will not be able to collect utilization data for wireless users for that period.

Possible issues:

  • Security, access or configuration changes made without updating MLS. This can sometimes occur because Wi-Fi services are typically managed by Networks, while the MLS service is typically managed by property.
  • Internal network failure.

MLS Communication to Network Switches

If connection to a network switch is lost, Serraview will not collect the activity of users who acquire desks connected to the impacted switch during that time. It does cache known switch port mappings and will continue to update utilization information for users who are already active on the switch, if for example their status changes.

MLS Communication to Serraview

MLS relies on a stable out-bound connection to Serraview's servers. If this connection is lost, MLS will queue up messages until the connection is restored.

A delay in publishing utilization data will cause a delay in:

  • Real-time wayfinding via Locator, as the location and status on individuals will not update
  • Aggregation of utilization data for reporting

If the MLS server fails or becomes unreachable, Serraview cannot collect utilization information during that time.