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Training Videos

Prior to beginning training, it is recommended you review the Corporate Real Estate Team to understand your key role within your team and which training level will be of most benefit to you. 


The first modules to train on to get you up and running in Serraview and quickly completing the everyday small moves such as new employees starting, employees leaving the business, project teams requiring more space or team members, etc.


After you become familiar with Serraview, we can start to look at the overall maintenance of the platform.


When you are about to perform a large move or refurbish a floor, we can train in the different modules to support you with the move (this may not happen for a while after you are first set up on the platform). If you have taken the next step and fed in utilization data to Serraview, let’s show you how to keep the data fresh with a bit of maintenance.


We have several short videos you can watch and these are based on the instructor-led training sessions.

Training Menu for Beginners

Course Definition Video

Serraview Introduction




What is this system, what’s its purpose, how to navigate around?

Let’s us introduce you around Serraview where we will show you:

  • an overview of the modules and the home screen
  • how to log into Serraview
  • getting a feel of the navigation
  • learn where to find help and if needed how to contact support

Audience: All Serraview Users

image2022-6-6_13-45-39.png Video

Watch the Introduction to Serraview video (8 mins), head on over to About Serraview.

Spaces Introduction




Visualize the floors in your buildings through different overlays, search for your people/spaces and make changes in bulk via this module.

This is where most people spend their time in Serraview.

You will be shown:

  • Looking at your floorplan maps in a variety of different views
  • How to make a bulk update to your spaces
  • Tagging items on your floorplan for search or reporting purposes
  • Search for people and spaces

Audience: All General Users who have access to this module. You can give people View & Edit mode, or you can give View-only.

image2022-6-6_13-45-39.png Video

Watch the Space Overview video (3 mins), head on over to the Spaces module.

Block & Stack (VBS) Introduction




The Block & Stack (VBS) is where you can view and edit where your teams & people are sitting i.e., who is sitting in what desk/office?

This is where the Space Planner will spend their time in Serraview.

You will be shown:

  • Where your teams are on the floors within your buildings
  • Making changes to where people/teams are sitting
  • Adding and removing teams
  • Review utilization to check on your floor’s peak attendance and utilization to make sure a floor is not being overcrowded or unused.

Audience: All General Users who have access to this module. You can give people View & Edit mode, or you can give View-only.

image2022-6-6_13-45-39.png Videos

Watch the Block & Stack Overview video (5 mins) and the Working Styles video (2 mins), head on over to the Block and Stack (VBS) module.

Additionally, if you want to keep learning about the Block and Stack there are more videos to be found:

  • Add Fixed Team video (3 mins) and Update Fixed Team video (2 mins)
  • Add Flexible Team video (3 mins) and Update Flexible Team video (2 mins)
  • Add Neighborhood video (3 mins) and Update Neighborhood video (2 mins)
  • Change a Team's Working Style ((3 mins)

... and a few more:

Manage your Occupancy Validation (Using Workplace Portal and Workplace Admin)




The workplace portal can be used to validate what you have done inside Visual, Block & Stack. If we have said John Smith sitting at desk WS123, we walk around our floor on a monthly basis (using the application on a device) and confirm that it’s correct.

You will be shown:

  • How to assign somebody as a ‘validator’
  • How to perform a validation and train the trainer (your validators)
  • What happens and what is affected, after the validation.

Audience: The super users who will be assigning the validators and showing them how to use the validation portal.

image2022-6-6_13-45-39.png Videos

Learn more about the Workplace Portal and the Validation Cycle in Workplace Portal

When you are familiar with the concepts then watch the video to see how to use Workplace, which is a simple tool used by Business Representatives to validate team occupancy.

Update Fixed Team Occupancy (8mins)

Update Flexible Team Occupancy (4 mins)

Manage your Service Requests




You can use this module as a central location for all the requests you receive from other parts of the business. This may be a request for small moves, new starters or even more desks.

You will be shown:

  • What a service request looks like
  • How to manage the request from start to close
  • Personalizing your service requests

Audience: General User/Super Users who will be managing any service requests that come through.


Insights Dashboards and Reporting




Insights dashboards are for reporting purposes. Forget Excel spreadsheets, you can view your data through intuitive visualizations which can help you make business decisions.

You will be shown:

  • How to access the dashboards
  • Running the correct dashboards for the data you want to see
  • Scheduling the dashboards to be sent to other parts of your business who need access to certain information

Audience: Any user who will be using Serraview for reporting purposes.

image2022-6-6_13-45-39.png Videos

Watch the video to learn about the dashboard tools such as filters, share, schedule, and download, the video is found in Insights Dashboards Quick Start.

Manage your Building and Floors (Including Floorplans)




A central repository where you can keep and manage your Building & Floor information and your floorplans.

You will be shown:

  • How to view and edit your Building information i.e. what buildings do we occupy and how do we want interact with them inside Serraview
  • Viewing key information about your buildings and floors
  • How to access your floorplans

Audience: Any user who would be managing your buildings and uploading your floorplans.


Manage your Storage, Lockers, and Parking




You can manage your storage, lockers, and parking so they can be assigned to employees or teams.

You will be shown:

  • How to upload this information into the module
  • Assigning them to employees or teams
  • Sending emails via this module

Audience: Usually a General User would look after the maintenance of these modules and the assigning of owners.


Using Engage



You can use either Engage mobile app or Engage Web to easily locate and reserve available desks or spaces, near the colleagues your work with. Use it to search corporate directories and access services to make getting back-to-work safer and simpler.

Audience: Usually an employee who wants to reserve desks and return to the office.

image2022-6-6_13-45-39.png Videos

Watch the Using Engage Mobile video (7 mins), head on over to Engage Mobile Quick Start.

Or watch the Using Engage Web video (7 mins) which is found in Engage Web Quick Start.

Training Menu for Intermediates

Course Definition Video

Portfolio Maintenance and Scheduled Reporting




To maintain Serraview, there needs to be a constant feed of data coming in from your end. This way the information we have in Serraview is up to date and relevant.

  • Floorplans – when you have any changes to your floorplan, we would need a new file uploaded. These floorplans are used throughout Serraview.
  • People – your employee list is best to come in daily via automatic transfers. This will pick up any new starters, resignations, and transfers.
  • Organization Units / teams – your team information (org units) is best to come in daily to account for any changes to the team structures.
  • Utilization – Badge, Sensors, and SVLive provide data that gives you information on how your spaces are utilized.

When your data is up to date, we have different reports and dashboards that meet your needs in Serraview and these can be scheduled to be sent to other parts of the business.

You will be shown:

  • Where to look for the data coming in
  • How to run different types of reports
  • How to schedule the reports

Audience: System Administrator/Super Users will need to know how to main the constant cycle of data coming in.


User Security in Serraview




We can control what our users can and cannot do inside Serraview. You can give people specific access which will restrict them in areas they don’t have permission for.

You will be shown:

  • How to view someone's access
  • Updating and restriction access
  • Understand the different roles you can assign someone
  • Creating different access roles

Audience: System Administrator/Super Users as they will decide who will have access and to what modules.


Serraview Basic Configuration




There are different configuration options you can use to personalize your Serraview platform and make life easier for you.

You will be shown:

  • Where to find the configurations settings
  • Update the most frequently used settings
  • Other configuration settings that may be useful

Audience: System Administrator/Super Users


Engage Configuration




Depending on your business needs and government compliance you can either use Engage’s default settings or make changes.

You will be shown:

  • Where to find the configurations settings
  • Update the most frequently used settings
  • Other configuration settings that may be useful

Audience: System Administrator/Super Users

image2022-6-6_13-45-39.png Video

Watch the Engage Configuration Overview video (4 mins) as there are several Engage settings some have been set up during implementation and may only need to be changed infrequently. This video takes you through the important settings, head on over to Engage Configuration

Insights Editor




When you have a Data Analyst or an equivalent person with data knowledge. 

Depending on your business needs and government compliance you can either use Engage’s default settings or make changes.

You will be shown:

  • how to create a simple dashboard that contains an explore
  • how to copy and edit an existing dashboard
  • details about moving tiles and making visualizations
  • how to clean up edited dashboards by deleting unwanted dashboards
  • how to publish a dashboard and give your users access

Audience: Data Analyst

image2022-6-6_13-45-39.png Videos

Watch the to learn how to use the Insights Editor to get you started in dashboard creation and how to copy and edit existing dashboards. Then we show you how to publish and give your users access to the dashboards.

The video is found in Insights Editor Quick Start.

If you want to watch more videos then ...

Watch the Insights Overview Video (6 mins), head on over to About Insights.

Watch the Insights Dashboards video (7 mins), head on over to Insights Dashboards Quick Start to learn how to use the dashboards so you will be familiar with the tools such as filters, share, schedule, and download.

Training Menu for Advanced

Course Definition Video

Scenario Planning Introduction




This is a tool for ‘blue sky planning’ or the ‘what ifs. Whenever you may be doing a big move or relocation, you can use this module to help you plan.

We take a copy of your Live data and put it into a sandbox environment for you to ‘try things out’ and ‘see if it works’

You will be shown:

  • Creating Scenario Plans and maintain them
  • Using the different tools within the module
  • Using your plan to communicate to other parts of the business
  • If the plan ends up being a success and you want to implement it, we will show you how to push that into your live data

Audience: General Users who would be involved with any big projects that involve moving.

image2022-6-6_13-45-39.png Videos

Watch the Scenario Planer Overview video (2:54 mins) in the Scenario Planner article. Also, in this article you will find the video for:

  • Create and Duplicate Scenario Plan & Security (2:45mins)

Scenario Planning Workshop




Workshop your plan either:

  • What If Relocation
  • What If Move to Activity Based Working
  • Right-size your Teams based on Ratios, Occupancy and Utilization

Audience: General Users who would be involved with any big projects that involve moving.


Bodies on Seats (BOS) Introduction




Another great tool for relocations and big moves. After you work on a Scenario Plan for your team moves, you can create a BOS plan to move the people. This is a great tool to capture information to assist with moving your people and any technology such as computers, monitors, or locker requirements.

You will be shown:

  • How to create a BOS move plan
  • Assigning people to help you with your move plan
  • Publishing your BOS move plan into Serraview to update you live data

Audience: General Users who would be involved with any big projects that involve moving.


Bodies on Seats (BOS) Workshop




Workshop your plan either:

  • Fixed Team’s Occupants Moving with Assigned Seats (including moving hardware and phones)
  • Flexible Team’s Occupants Moving (including moving hardware and phones)

Audience: General Users who would be involved with any big projects that involve moving.


Utilization Data and the maintenance of Badge, SVLive, and Sensors




The maintenance of the physical devices and imports that feed the utilization data will make sure the availability of service to Serraview and Wayfinding applications.

You will be shown:

  • Badge - Where to set up Badge’s email notification so they will know if an import has been successfully or failed.
  • Wi-Fi – How to maintain the Wireless Access Points (WAPs) on the floorplan.
  • Wired - How to wire up desks and troubleshooting.
  • Sensors – How check for faulty sensors and how to maintain sensors.

Audience: IT Admin Users and System Administrators