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Eptura Knowledge Center

Why can't I add an Impacted Building into an existing Scenario Plan?

You may not be able to add an impacted building into Scenario Planner and receive the following message.

Error updating buildings: An operation tried to create duplicate phase data. Check whether moved teams in this scenario are still present in live data.

This alert has been triggered as there is a team that has been moved in the Scenario Plan that has also been moved in Live Block & Stack (VBS). The building cannot be added to the Scenario Plan while this conflict exists between Live Block & Stack (VBS) and Scenario Plan data.

This conflict will occur when:

  1. You create a Scenario Plan.
  2. Move Team A in Building A in Scenario VBS to any other location.
  3. Move Team A to Building B in Live Block & Stack (VBS).
  4. Add Building B into the Scenario Plan.

In this case, you will be unable to add this building into Scenario Planner as Team A is causing a conflict between Live Block & Stack (VBS) and Scenario Block & Stack (VBS). Synchronizing the scenario plan with the Live Block & Stack (VBS) data will not resolve the issue.

To resolve the issue, the move for Team A will need to be reverted in Scenario Plan so there are no conflicting moves and then the building can be added to the Scenario Plan.