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Eptura Knowledge Center

Contact Tracing - SVLive (Wired) Dashboard


To efficiently contain risk to the organization and serve the well-being of employees as they return to the workplace, organizations need to be able to trace contacts between persons. When an employee calls in to report they have started showing symptoms during their last visit to the office and have since been diagnosed with a COVID-19 positive result.

Now organizations can use the Contact Tracing - SVLive Wired dashboard to track workplace occupancy, this dashboard identifies where in the facility the person has been working for any substantial periods of time and near whom. The dashboard shows every space where the person has connected their device in the past 2 weeks, and shows who was at nearby desks.

This dashboard evaluates distances of up to 2m (6.5ft) radii from workpoint to workpoint.

Special Filters

  • Employee Name filter - Value required to run dashboard.

  • Date Range filter - Adjustable query window, default 14 days.


  • Assumes use of SVLive - Wired to track worker’s locations and activity.

  • If the selected person used spaces on more than one floor, the floor plan view will show the first floor on the list. Use the Floor Name filter to switch the display to other floors.


  • No labels