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Eptura Knowledge Center

Highlights Through to 2020 July 25

Below are the highlights for the release.

VBS and Scenario VBS  display the child space type not the parent space type

The VBS and the Scenario VBS now display only the child space type and not the parent space type so when you have the Space Types labels turned on it will be clearer to read the labels.


The space type called Desk: Standard is the child of the space type Workspaces.


Scenario Planner sends out automatic assignment emails

When a user is granted access to the Scenario Plan, the Serraview will automatically send them an assignment email. The email that is sent depends on whether the person already has an existing Serraview User Account or if they are a new user then the email will include a Password Reset link.

The email templates are called:

  • Assignment Notification (New User)
  • Assignment Notification (Existing User)

More details, refer to Scenario Planner Emails and Add, duplicate, reset, or edit an Email Template.

BOS sends out automatic assignment emails

When a user is granted access to the BOS Move Plan, the Serraview will automatically send them an assignment email. The email that is sent depends on whether the person already has an existing Serraview User Account or if they are a new user then the email will include a Password Reset link.

The email templates are called:

  • Assignment Notification (New User)
  • Assignment Notification (Existing User)

More details, refer to BOS Emails and Add, duplicate, reset, or edit an Email Template.

Export Floorplan is enabled when the active floorplan has been uploaded by the Floorplan Importer


The Export Floorplan icon is enabled when the active floorplan has been uploaded by the Floorplan Importer. If the Export Floorplan icon is grayed out (disabled) then the active floorplan was not upload by the Floorplan Importer.

When the Export Floorplan icon is grayed out it now displays a tooltip that is linked to the Help Center article Serraview CAD Preparation.


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