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Eptura Knowledge Center

Maintain Portfolio Data

The ongoing maintenance is responsibility of the Client and the table below provides a high-level view of how the portfolio data is initial loaded and how it is maintained:

  • bulk update data via an Import
  • bulk update data via the module
  • manually update via the module


Manually via module

Bulk Update via module

Data Requirements

Bulk Update via Import

Initial Load via Import

Region Hierarchy

Update the Region Hierarchy via the Regions keyword set, refer to Modify the Regions Keyword N/A Requirements for Region Data Region Import (only used for the initial upload)

Region Initial Upload

Validate Region Hierarchy

Buildings and Floors

Use the Buildings and Floors module to manage the buildings and floors in Serraview. N/A

Requirements for Building Data

Requirements for Floors Data

The Buildings import and the Floor import is used for the initial load. It can be used to add a new building and floors.

Building Import

Floor Import

Building & Floors Initial Upload


It is important that floorplans are kept up-to-date with refurbishments to the floor.

If you do not have Floorplan Importer set up, the Serraview Support team will manage the initial upload and ongoing updates of your CAD files and space mapping, refer to Manual Floorplan Management.

N/A Serraview CAD Preparation

Automatic or Manual Import

New or existing floorplans can be upload using either an automated or manual process.

CAD files are uploaded using:

  • Floorplan Importer Tool
  • SFTP or File Upload (using the category Automated Floorplan)

If you are uploading floorplans into Serraview, we recommended you are familiar with the space type hierarchy before loading floorplans.

Refer to Floorplan Management

Space Type Hierarchy

Manually update the space types' settings in the Space Type Hierarchy, refer to Add, Edit, or Delete the Space Types. N/A Requirements for Space Type Hierarchy Use the Space Type Hierarchy Import to update the space type settings.

Review the default Space Type Hierarchy

Validate Space Type Hierarchy

Spaces / Workpoints

Workpoints can be manually updated in the can be manually updated in the Block and Stack (VBS) module, refer to Space Details Form.

The space data can be bulk updated via the Bulk Update Space.

Requirements for Workpoint Data

Update Space Mapping via Import

  • update the name of the space.
  • change the space type.

For more information, refer to Workpoint Import and Space Mapping.

Update Visual, Block and Stack (VBS) via Import

  • update the space's working style.
  • update the cost center or the org unit allocated to the space.
  • allocate workpoints (or spaces) to a team or hood.

For more information, refer to Workpoint Import and VBS.

Update Chargeback via Import

  • update the space's charge rule.

For more information, refer to Workpoint Import and Chargeback.

Update Workplace Notes via Import

  • add workplace notes or clear all the workplace notes.

For more information, refer to Workpoint Import and Workplace.

Update Locator via Import

  • add space details such as seats, show availability in Locator, enables users to reserve a space in Locator.
  • add email addresses to meeting spaces to enable reservation through Locator.

For more information, refer to Workpoint Import and Locator.


Org Unit Hierarchy

It is important that the Org Unit Hierarchy is kept up-to-date alongside any restructure to your business since these activities impact the accuracy of your reporting.

The responsibility for coordinating Org Unit Hierarchy updates is with your System Administrator and can be carried out with assistance from your Customer Success Manager (CSM).

The Org Units can be manually updated, refer to Manage Org Unit Hierarchy.

Some Org Unit Hierarchy changes often result in the creation of Orphan Org Units, which must be managed by the System Administrator, refer to Update Orphan Org Units.

N/A Requirements for Org Unit Hierarchy Data

Check with your System Administrator before creating an import as there could be an existing SFTP setup for the Org Unit Import!

Automatic or Manual Import

This data can be either automatic or manually imported. For more information, refer to Org Unit Hierarchy Data.

  • Large Updates - For an org unit hierarchy in constant flux, we recommend you update it using a daily or weekly using SFTP.
  • Small Updates - For an org unit hierarchy with minimal changes a few times a year, we recommend you send the new org unit hierarchy import file using the File Upload tool for the Serraview Support team to import the file manually, refer to File Upload.

Org Unit Hierarchy Initial Upload

People Directory

It is important the people list is kept up-to-update with new starters and people leaving on a daily basis.

The maintenance of the people list can include the following:

  • update people with an unknown org unit.
  • merge multiple person records into one person record.
  • manage archive candidates.

For more information, refer to People Directory.

The person data can be bulk updated via the Bulk Update Person.

Requirements for People Data

Validate People Data

Check with your System Administrator before you create an import as there could be an existing SFTP setup for the Person Import!

Bulk Update via Automatic or Manual Import

This data can be either automatic or manually imported. For more information, refer to People Data.

The Person Import is used to upload batches of people into Serraview. There is no limit to the amount of people you can import, but generally the import is used for large numbers due to its time saving benefit. Also during a Person Import there is an option to archive people who are not in this import, for more information on archiving, refer to Configure Number of Days before a Candidate is Archived.

We recommend you upload the Person Import via SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) to ensure that the people data is maintained in line with the on-boarding and off-boarding of staff.

People Initial Upload

Teams and Neighborhoods

Teams and Neighborhoods can be manually updated in the Block and Stack (VBS) module. The team data can be bulk updated via the Bulk Update Teams.  

The Team Import can be used to:

  • Update existing team's details.
  • Add new teams to existing neighborhoods.
  • Add existing or new teams to new neighborhoods.


  • When you change people in teams this does not change their personal Org Unit.
  • The import file cannot be used to move existing teams into existing neighborhoods. You will need to go to VBS and drag the existing team into the existing neighborhood, refer to Add the Flexi Team to a Neighborhood.
Retention Status

Workplace Administrator can update this in the Workplace Portal, see Add a retention status to a fixed team's workpoint.

Space Planners can update this in the Block and Stack, see Update Space to add or remove a Retention Status.


The import to use is the Occupancy Import


Allocation - Fixed Team

Allocation can be updated for teams.

The manual update is detailed in the Block and Stack (VBS).  

Requirements for Allocation Data for Fixed Team

The import to use is the Workpoint Import and the column descriptions are listed in Requirements for Workpoint Data.

For more information, refer to Allocation and Occupancy Data and Requirements for Allocation Data for Fixed Team.

Fixed Team Initial Upload

Validate Fixed Team Data

Occupancy - Fixed Team

When you have allocated spaces the teams you can complete the occupancy.

Occupancy can be updated for Fixed Teams via:

  Requirements for Occupancy Data for Fixed Team

The import to use is the Occupancy Import and the column descriptions are listed in requirements.

Fixed Team Initial Upload

Validate Fixed Team Data

Allocation - Flexi Team

Allocation can be updated for teams.

The manual update is detailed in the Block and Stack (VBS).  

Requirements for Allocation Data for Flexi Team

The import to use is the Workpoint Import and the column descriptions are listed in Requirements for Workpoint Data.

For more information, refer to Allocation and Occupancy Data and Requirements for Allocation Data for Flexi Team.

Flexi Team Initial Upload

Validate Flexi Team Data

Occupancy - Flexi Team

When you have allocated spaces the teams you can complete the occupancy.

Occupancy can be updated for Flexi Teams via:

  Requirements for Occupancy Data for Flexi Team

The import to use is the Occupancy Import and the column descriptions are listed in requirements.

Flexi Team Initial Upload

Validate Flexi Team Data

Allocation - Neighborhood

Allocation can be updated for neighborhoods.

The manual update is detailed in the Block and Stack (VBS).


Requirements for Allocation Data for Neighborhood

The import to use is the Workpoint Import and the column descriptions are listed in Requirements for Workpoint Data.

For more information, refer to Allocation and Occupancy Data and Requirements for Allocation Data for Neighborhood.

Neighborhood Initial Upload

Validate Neighborhood Data

Occupancy - Neighborhood

When you have allocated spaces the teams you can complete the occupancy.

The Neighborhood occupants are managed in the teams.

The manual update is detailed in the Block and Stack (VBS)



You can maintain the Storage, Lockers, and Parking assets.

Assets can be manually updated in the StorageLockers, or Parking modules.

N/A Requirements for Asset Data

You can update the assets for the locations and allocations.

For more information, refer to Asset Import - Update Existing Assets.

Asset Import - Create and Allocate Assets