Version 2.64 - January 2019 Release Notes
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Major Enhancements and Fixes
Serraview has an integrated with ServiceNow
For customers who use ServiceNow, you now have a one-stop-shop to submit all technology, facilities and MAC (Move, Add, Change) requests. Service requests made in ServiceNow will automatically be routed to Serraview (as a Service Request) for processing by Space Planners. Any changes to the status of the work order, as well as comments or questions made to the work order, will be updated in both applications.
ServiceNow is a widely used tool for IT Service Desk Management. The integration between ServiceNow and Serraview's Service Requests is beneficial to streamline the way CRE teams interact with IT Departments.
Find a person effortlessly with photos in Locator
Employees and visitors using Locator (desktop and kiosk) can now see an employee photo displayed beside their colleague's details (name, job title, team, email and phone number). This is done by Locator linking to photos in an URL field. The photos are controlled by the organization and the URL field is populated via the HR Person import. Serraview recommends the image to be a square aspect ratio with the resolution be 300px x 300px.
If you are interested in adding photos to your Locator application, contact the Serraview Support team or your Client Relationship Manager (CRM).
Desk with single occupant
Desk with multiple occupants
Minor Enhancements and Fixes
Space Optimization
Fix – Landing Page - When the BOS and Scenario modules are disabled, the icons will not display on the Landing page.
Fix – Floorplan Importer - Running the floorplan importer with the option 'Delete spaces no longer present in the file' was deleting the point types but the polygon spaces remained which should have also been removed. This has now been fixed.
Fix – Floorplan Importer - You can now use the Floorplan Importer to import points to a zone. When you import a Kiosk to a zone, you will no longer receive an error.
Fix – Floorplan Importer - Converting a point type container to an area type container via the Floorplan Importer was not clearing the WorkpointShapeContainerID. This has been fixed.
Fix – VBS - There is a now a move/keep warning message displayed when adding an occupant, when a desk has the Multiple Occupants (prompt) configuration.
Fix – WorkOrder API - In the Serraview Work Orders tab, the "Scheduled For" date was being populated by Accruent 360Facility's "Complete By" date. This has been corrected and now the "Scheduled For" date will be populated by the Accruent 360Facility's "Create Date" field.
Fix – Team, Occupancy and Workpoint Imports - These imports now clearly define the difference between teams that sit inside or outside of neighborhoods (hoods). If a hood column is present and no value is specified, this denotes the team (or space) is not in a neighborhood (hood).
Dashboards & Reporting
Fix – In the 325 Chargeback Report, there was an error in calculating the Prorated Floor Common Internal Area column. This has been fixed. Also, the header formula in column 'AJ' of the report has been corrected.
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