Version 2.52 - July 2017 Release Notes
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Minor Changes and Fixes
Buildings & Floors
Fix - Resolved issue when using Duplicating Building feature in which the duplicate building contained no data.
Report Builder
Enhancement - New "Add Seen Workpoints" statistic based on based on Serraview Live data (e.g. wired or sensors) is now available which shows the number of workpoints used over the course of a day/week/month.
Enhancement - Buildings & Floors Report (#61) has been rebuilt using Report Builder, enhancing its capability to include: New Snapshot parameter.
Enhancement - Accommodation Report (#132) and Accommodation Report - Capacity & Opportunity (#232) have been rebuilt using Report Builder, which has enhanced their capability to include:
- New Snapshot parameter.
- Labels to show which buildings, Org Units, building types and location types have been selected in the parameters.
- New Org Unit filter to display only buildings that contain the selected Org Unit.
- Chart axis now always start from 0.
- The $ per workpoint figure in the region totals and grand total now uses the total cost divided by total workpoints, giving a true average cost of workpoints.
- Added column for building type.
- Added column for location type.
- Building metrics are now always included, so the "Include building metrics" checkbox has been removed.
- Report now orders pivot columns by occupied workpoints, not total workpoints.
Service Requests
Enhancement - Renamed the checkbox under Configuration > Service Requests from "Enable Traffic Lights for Due Date" to "Enable Traffic Lights for SR".
Enhancement - Within a Service Request, the status bar text on the Overview tab now shows "X days until Planned Date" or "X days past Planned Date" so it's clear that the traffic light color refers to Planned Date.
Fix - Resolved issue where MLS server sometimes failed to start automatically on server restarts.
Fix - Resolved issue where desk lists were not sorting alphanumerically.
Fix - Identified an issue where Wi-Fi confidence radius' would not clear when deselecting a person.
- No labels