2013 June Release Notes
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New Features and Changes
My Workplace Portal Configuration – control the information that displays in your Workplace Portal.
Snapshot Management - changes and improvements to the way you create and manage your snapshots
Configuration of Service Request Forms – control the information and content of your Service Request Forms
Region Multi-Selector in Reports – Select multiple buildings or multiple floors in the same building, select multiple cost centres or teams
Known Issues
Error in My Workplace Portal when adding and deleting people. (Fixed in Build 2.32.19675)
- An error occurs when you add, delete and then re-add the same person within one editing session. A fix has been developed and will be available for deploy shortly.
- TEMPORARY WORKAROUND: try to avoid this action and save between all changes.
Alignment issue with Service Request Forms when changes are made in Configuration. A fix has been developed for deploy shortly. (Fixed in Build 2.32.19675)
Service Requests
- If you edit the costs in a Service Request, then click save and then send approvals, you can cause the software to crash.
- TEMPORARY WORKAROUND: There is no need to click save prior to sending approvals. When sending approvals, it automatically does a save.
Running Reports - Configuration Snapshots Error (Fixed in Build 2.32.19675)
- When running reports (usually report 22), the user receives an error stating the Configuration-Snapshots action is required to run the report. This is happening to report that allow you to run with a snapshot of data and affecting users that do not have the secured action to create snapshots.
- TEMPORARY WORKAROUND: Add the secured action 'Configuration-Snapshots' to that person's role. You will only need to allow this secured action temporarily. A fix has been developed and will be deployed shortly.
Conflicts Resolution Error in Move Projects (Fixed in Build 2.32.19675)
- An error may be received when running a move project report where there are unresolved conflicts. A fix is currently being developed.
Freeze occurring in the VBS team grid (Fixed in Build 2.32.19675)