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Limit a Space's Reservation by Date

You will be able to specify a Reserve From date or the Reserve To date for when a desk is available to be reserved. This is useful when you need to take a desk offline for maintenance, see below for examples.

Reservable From Example

When you have minor works happening on the floor and you don't want people to be able to reserve certain spaces until the work is completed then set the Reservable From date.

In this example, the space will be reservable from 17th and on the date, before this date the space will be un-reservable. Here, you will select the Reservable From date and leave the Reservable To date blank.


Reservable To Example

When you have a future date where minor works will happen on the floor then you can stop employees from reserving the space.

In this example, 28th is selected and employees will not be able to reserve the space after this date. When the minor works have been completed you can clear the date and the desk can be reserved again. Remember if there are any future bookings then these will need to be canceled by your System Administrator, see Cancel a Reservation as an Admin.


Remember if you uncheck the Reserving Enabled check box then the space cannot be reserved. The Booking Access drop-down, Reservable From, and Reservable To will not display.


These settings can be updated for an individual desk or in bulk.


From the Block and Stack (VBS), complete the following:

  1. Open the building and floor.
  2. Double click the space and then click the Attributes tab.
  3.  From the Reservable From calendar picker or the Reservable To calendar picker select a date.


4. Click the Update Space button.

Learn more about spaces in the Spaces Form.


From the Bulk Update module, complete the following:

  1. Navigate to Admin Settings > Reference Data > Bulk Update.
  2.  Click the Spaces tab.
  3. Read Bulk Update Space article to learn how to filter for spaces and then update the spaces.


Learn more about how to bulk update spaces in the Using the Bulk Update Module.