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Eptura Knowledge Center

Usage Notes for SaaS Deployments


  • SAML SSO . Customers using SAML SSO using Shibboleth SP and request-header Spring security config, who also wish to use REST APIs and/or the OnSite mobile app, will need to provision a second instance of WebCentral to support REST APIs, as the request-header Spring security config breaks JWT token authentication

  • User AFM-MOD. Navigator missing some Risk applications . When you sign in as sample user AFM-MOD, you should access all applications licensed for SaaS. However, the Emergency Preparedness, Sustainability Assessment, Health & Safety, Hazard Abatement, Hazardous Materials, Waste, and Green Building modules are missing from the Navigator. If you need to see these modules when signed in as AFM-MOD, you can assign them and unassign some others. (AD-6967)