Usage Notes

Be aware of the following issues:


See Workplace Usage Notes .

SaaS Deployments

See SaaS Deployment Usage Notes .

Online Help

  • TOC and Search Difficulties. Refresh Required. The online help systems are continually updated with late-breaking additions, clarifications, and fixes. After we upload a new version of the help systems, you might have trouble drilling down into the Table of Contents or accessing topics from the search results. You might also notice that the TOC does not expand to display the entry for a topic that you accessed through linking or searching. Refreshing the browser, opening the help in a new browser, or deleting the browser's cached information resolves this issue.

Mobile Framework

  • Location Services. Android. On Android, the Mobile Location Services work only when you are connected to a secured (https) Archibus domain. This is due to the facts that the Android Mobile client uses a WebView based on the Chromium browser engine and relies on the Chromium browser location services to obtain the location of the device, and the Chromium browser requires that the domain is secure in order to provide the Location service. (MOB-370)

Smart Client

  • Drawing List. Document Management for Drawings . The Drawing List is sluggish for large (thousands) of record drawing lists. Most large teams prefer to use Virtual Private Archibus to divide the drawing list by area of responsibility.

  • SSO . The Smart Client has a benign error occurring due to searching for a file that is not included in the Web Central deployment (ab-ov-dropdown.axvw). In SSO environments, the error prevents use of several critical commands, such as Edit Data. As a work-around, place a dummy ab-ov-dropdown.axvw file in the deployment. (AD-10747)

Web Central

  • Select Fields . Localized . If you are running Web Central and edit the standard translation of a field heading to use an apostrophe character, you will find that the Select Fields dialog presents the apostrophe as "l&apso". The standard translation provided by Archibus contains a right single quotation mark character instead of the apostrophe character and the single quotation character displays without issues. (AD-13097)

  • Fonts are Difficult to Read . Each version of Windows handles fonts slightly differently. If text looks odd and is difficult to read, do the following:
    1. Go to Control Panel / All Control Panel Items / Performance Information and Tools
    2. Click "Adjust Visual Effects."
    3. The "Performance Options" dialog appears. Ensure that the "Smooth edges of screen fonts" check box is checked.
    (In Chrome browsers, after applying the setting, you may need to clear cache, close, and reopen the browser in order for the changes to take effect. In Firefox, the changes are applied immediately.) (WC-2793)

  • Data Transfer. Excel . When exporting decimal data to Excel under the situation that the Web Central user is in one locale and Excel is set to a different locale (i.e. when the decimal separator in one is a comma and in the other is a decimal point), you should review the rounding of the decimal data in the Excel file to verify that it is appropriate for your use. ( 3035375 )
  • Smart Search console. Number Column. Non-English. For views that have a Smart Search console in the grid, the Number column does not always display when working with non-English locales. (AD-1728)
  • Google Maps . When opening a Web Central view configured to consume Google Maps data, (for example, the Technologies / GIS / Standard Leaflet Map View / Simple Map - Google ab-leaflet-google-map.axvw), you may encounter the error message: "This page can't load Google Maps correctly." Google made some changes effective June 11, 2018, such that all Google Map API calls now require a Google Maps API key. Some changes will be necessary for clients who have implemented Google basemaps within the Standard Leaflet map control. Any Web Central views that use the Stand Leaflet map control Google basemaps option will require the following change to the Google Maps API reference in the corresponding view AXVW: <js url="//" /> , where YOUR_API_KEY is your Google Maps API key. (WC-3008)

  • Polish characters in V.25.x and later user interface . With the V.25.1 user interface refresh, special characters in UI titles translated to Polish do not appear like the other characters. For customers who have this issue, we recommend modifying all CSS files in the \schema\ab-core\views\navigator folder to replace this line: font-family: "Open Sans";
    with this line: font-family: "Open Sans", Arial; (AD-2292)
  • HTML Drawing Control

    • Multiple Open Drawings. Visible Published Layers . If you open multiple drawings and these drawings do not have the same set of published layers, the drawings will show only the published layers that are common to all open drawings. (WC-2865)

    • Drawings Published in Metric Units . Markers placed together to form a cluster cannot be viewed separately when zoomed in; they will always show as a cluster. (WC-2448)

  • Reports
    • Custom Colors . Add-in managers cannot configure custom colors for report totals. ( WC-2046).
  • Microsoft Edge
    • On Microsoft Edge, clicking the browser's Back button brings you to the previous site you visited before Archibus, not the previous view inside Archibus. This is not an issue if the user is not assigned a home page. (AD-1643)
  • MS Surface

    • Laptops with Touch Screens . Certain events on certain specialized forms (for example, dragging a reservation) work with the touch pad and with the mouse, but do not work with the touch screen on MS Surface Laptops. The behavior of the events differ between browsers (e.g. between Edge and Chrome). (AD-97, APP-3310, APP-3312, WC-2494)

    • Scroll by Swiping. MS-Surface Pro Windows 10 with Touch Screen. Under both Edge and Chrome, you cannot scroll grid views vertically and horizontally by swiping. The workaround is to disable the custom scroller. To do so: modify WEB-INF/config/context/controls/view/controls-view.xml by setting: <property name="useScroller" value="false"/> and restarting the application server. (WC-2493)

  • Chrome

  • Firefox

    • Hierarchical Tree Drill-downs. On Firefox, collapsing and expanding a tree control panel causes the tree control to be rebuilt, which undoes the user's selection of tree nodes. (3036779)
  • Sybase

    • Hierarchical Tree Drill-downs. On Sybase, hierarchical trees in views like "View and Edit Organizational Units" or "Map Sites to Organizational Units" do not display all the hierarchical levels if the tables have pattern values that are larger than 126 characters. For example, in the above views, the tree uses a SELECT LIKE clause for org.hierarchy_ids , which on Sybase is limited to 126 characters. Thus, if using values for Organization Code, the hierarchical tree for organizational units will display only the first four levels because some values in org.hierarchy_ids are larger than 126 characters. This issue affects Sybase projects only. (WC-2406)

    • Connection Limit. While using Web Central with Sybase Web Edition database engine, you might receive an error in the WEB-INF/archibus.log file stating that the database server connection limit was exceeded. The error message reads: java.sql.SQLException: [Sybase][JDBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Database server connection limit exceeded at sybase.jdbc.sqlanywhere.IDriver.makeODBCConnection .
      To fix this issue you need to tweak the value of maxActive in the \Archibus\WEB-INF\config\context\compatibility\afm-config.xml file. To do so:

      1. In the afm-config.xml file, search for "Sybase-WebEdition" to find the attribute.
      2. Reduce the value for maxActive . The right value might be any value less than 10, except 0. The below example shows a value of 4.
        maxActive="4" (3043397)