User Event Logging

The following conditions are automatically logged into the \ WEB-INF\config\archibus.logarchibus.log file.

Action Log Message

User access to a web application → User name & password

User with ID=['___'] with userAgent=['___'] logged in using Archibus username/password security configuration, with project ID=['___'].

User access to a web application →SSO

User with ID=['___'] with userAgent=['___'] logged in using Archibus SSO security configuration.

User access to a web application →User logs out

User with ID=['___'] logged out.

Attempted access that is denied → Incorrect identifier (username/password configuration)

Authentication failed for user with incorrect user ID=['___'], from IP address=['___'] requesting URL=['___'].

Attempted access that is denied →Incorrect password (username/password configuration)

Authentication failed for user with ID=['___'] with incorrect password using Archibus username/password security configuration.

Attempted access that is denied →User is locked

User account with ID=['___'] is locked.

Attempted access that is denied → User does not have permission

Access denied. User with ID=['___'] does not have permission to edit the primary key field [{0}] of the table [{1}].

Access denied. User with ID=['___'] does not have permission to change password of another user.

Access denied. User with ID=['___'] does not have permission to run rule=['___']"

Access denied. User with ID=['___'] does not have permission for this view.

Access denied. User with ID=['___']] does not have permission to edit field=['___'].

User access to the web documents →User downloads a file

User with ID=['___'] accessed document=['___'].

User access to the web documents →User downloads a report

User with ID=['___'] downloaded report=['___'].

Web application encounters an exception

When the application encounters an exception log message with exception and user ID:


for user with ID=['___']