Healthcare / Healthcare Facility Manager / Facilities Console

Manage Healthcare Space

Use the Rooms tab of the Facilities Console to manage and review the rooms in your healthcare facility.

Filter the set of Room records

The Rooms tab displays the room inventory for the floor that you have entered in the filter .

When working with rooms in the grid, you can use the grid's Smart Search console to limit the list of rooms. Since a floor might contain many types of rooms, such as medical offices and service areas, using the Smart Search console is handy for refining the list.

You can also use the Filter's More button to filter by additional criteria, such as equipment item or equipment standard

Track healthcare-related data for a room

Medical facilities have very specific space requirements that need to be recorded and checked to maintain Joint Commission & NFPA accreditation, as well as avoid hazards and facilitate construction projects. For example, facility managers at medical facilities need to track:

  • Room Function (operating room, post-op room, family conference room, and so on)

  • Room Pressure . For example, patient rooms have negative pressure, operating rooms have positive pressure, and lobbies are not pressurized.

  • Fire Protection. For example, a room has a sprinkler system.

  • Location (a floor's towers or wings)

  • Number of licensed beds

  • Ligature Risk

  • Zone

  • Room Access

  • NFPA Occupancy Type (or other standard that you follow)


  1. Define categories of information in the background data tables.

  2. Complete the healthcare-related fields of the Rooms table .

  3. Edit and review this information from the Facilities Console's girds and floor plans.

Review or edit a room's attributes

From the Facilities Console, you can edit all properties of a Room record, including the above healthcare-related fields, using forms.

Method Description
From the grid

Click the pencil-shaped Edit icon to the left of the Room Code value.

This presents the Edit Room form, with key healthcare-related fields for the Room record. See below image.

From the floor plan

If the room is represented with a room asset symbol on the floor plan, click on the asset symbol.

The form accessed from the Floor plan contains tabs for checking maintenance and compliance work. See below image.

Editing rooms by selecting them in the floor plan works the same in both the Facilities Console and the Space Console (Space SaaS module). See these Space Console topics for information on selecting and working with rooms.

Floor Plan (Select Room Information form)

When editing rooms from the floor plan, you access the following form. In addition to editing room information, you can work with the form's other tabs. For example, directly from a room on the floor plan, you can access its upcoming preventive maintenance, current maintenance needs, or compliance deficiencies.


Grid (Edit Room Form)

From the Rooms grid, you access this form for editing room healthcare information.
