Specify multiple datasources

Technologies > User Interface Add-Ins > Tree Views > Simple Tree - Departments by Division

The same data source may be used by multiple panels in the same view. For example, in a find-manage assembly, a console panel, report grid panel, and details form panel can all use the same data source (if desired). Similarly, panels that are displayed in different tab pages can share one data source.

If the view includes multiple data sources, each data source specifies a unique @id attribute, and each panel uses the @dataSource attribute to reference its specific data source.

<dataSource id="projectDataSource">
<table name="project" role="main"/>
<field name="project_id" table="project"/>
<field name="date_commence_work" table="project"/>
<field name="date_target_end" table="project"/>
<field name="description" table="project"/>

<dataSource id="actionDataSource">
<table name="activity_log" role="main"/>
<field name="activity_log_id" table="activity_log"/>
<field name="activity_type" table="activity_log"/>

<panel type="grid" id="projects" dataSource="projectDataSource" >
<panel type="grid" id="actions" dataSource="actionDataSource" >

Define a view datasource

View: http://localhost:8080/archibus/schema/ab-products/solutions/parts/tree/ab-ex-simple-tree-dpxdv.axvw