View Element Reference

< tabs />

Wraps a sequence of one or more <tab> elements.

Enclosing Element: This tag is a direct child of the <view> element, or, in the case of nested tabs, of a <tab> element .
Encloses: This tag encloses one or more <tab> child elements and may also enclose an <event> element.
Attribute Description Valid Values Optional
workflow Specifies whether the movement from one tab to the next is controlled by the user selecting the tab itself (free) or is controlled by user interaction with buttons on titlebars or panels within individual tabs (enforced). free, enforced yes
layout Specifies the id of a layout to be used for locating the tabset in a multi-panel view an existing layout id. yes
region Specifies the region of the layout to be used for locating the tabset in a multi-panel view an existing region name within the layout specified by the accompanying layout attribute yes
id Specifies a unique identifier for the element a string unique within the view yes
tabRefreshPolicy When set to refreshOnLoad , all tab pages will be refreshed when the view is loaded rather than when they are selected refreshOnLoad, refreshOnSelect (default), never yes
cssClass The CSS class to be used in styling tabs Any valid CSS class name available in the standard or user-developed stylesheets. cssClass="wizard" is one alternative to the default class yes