hazardous material inspector

A hazmat inspector is typically licensed in their field and performs an official hazardous materials inspection by:

  • visually inspecting an area
  • noting hazard features (condition, friability, etc.)
  • collecting samples if deemed necessary
  • sending samples to labs for testing
  • writing up a report with their results and recommendations.

An inspector may inspect an area to see if a problem exists, as well as after abatement workers have finished in order to verify that the area no longer poses a threat.

If inspectors do not have access to Archibus, they provide their results to the Hazmat Manager who inputs them into the Archibus system. Such inspectors can be associated with a specific job in a hazmat project by completing the Inspector/Assigned To field of the hazard assessment item .

If practices at your site call for the inspector to directly access the Archibus system, they will use the tasks of the Field Assessor role.

Information for inspectors is stored in the Hazardous Substance Professionals table, which can be linked to accreditation information.