Archibus Smart Client Extension for Revit

Smart Client Extension for Revit: Overview

The Archibus Smart Client Extension for Revit includes the following features that enable the integration of your Revit model and enterprise data. These features ensure that your Revit model data is relevant for the lifecycle management of your facility.

Feature Description Help Topic
Asset Types Connects any type of Revit element to an Archibus Asset Type and its associated database table and fields. BIM Managers can extend the mappings from a dialog right inside of Revit. Archibus Asset Types Table ( System Management Help)
Parameters Connects and bi-directionally synchronizes any Revit shared parameter with Archibus table and field data – including tables and fields that your add-in manager might have added to Archibus Adding a New Revit Parameter Mapping
Automatic Updates If you expand an area in the Revit model, the enterprise data is automatically updated. As the enterprise users request and close move orders, for instance, Archibus can update your occupancy within the Revit BIM model. Or, if you edit a Revit parameter in the Revit properties dialog, Archibus will likewise make the change if you have mapped that parameter.
Enterprise Graphics Publishes architectural backgrounds as well as the asset boundaries, and allows for publishing single floors as well as the entire model. Using your Enterprise Graphics from Revit on the Web
Forge (Autodesk Platform Services)

Publish to Forge in SFV2 format for use with the BIM Viewer.

Publishing to Forge is necessary for sites without Autodesk Construction Cloud or Autodesk BIM 360 accounts. See Forge Viewer: Onboarding (System Management Help) .

Publish 3D

Commands Commands, particularly those relating to finding and fixing synchronization and data-integrity errors, are easier and faster to use. Working with Commands - Overview

View the Smart Client Extension for Revit overview videos:

As-Built and Lifecycle Models

Increasingly, Archibus users are using Revit models as the repository of choice for authoring their building graphical representations. They use detailed Revit models for architectural as-builts, and simplified, quick-load “facility record models” for day-to-day facility management.

Using the Archibus Smart Client Extension for Revit, you have the flexibility to:

  • Maintain the as-built model
  • Use a separate life-cycle model
  • Keep your existing facility drawings in AutoCAD, and add new buildings in Revit format as they become available.

See As-Built and Lifecycle Models.

Synchronize Revit Model and Enterprise Data for Lifecycle Management

Architects often collect a set of properties for rooms and equipment intended for lifecycle management and store them in the Revit model as parameters associated with Revit elements. The Archibus features read these into the Archibus project database, where they can be adjusted for consistency and validated against the enterprise-wide standards for data integrity. Archibus can then publish the corrected data back to the parameters in the Revit elements. In this way, the Revit model can stay in synchronization with enterprise-wide data standards for building codes, room standards, categories, and types, equipment standards and preventive maintenance schedules, account codes, division and department codes, and other backbone standards. Synchronizing against these backbone standards lets Revit data connect its information to the ERP data used to drive the overall business. See Adding a New Revit Parameter Mapping and Getting BIM Parameter Values into Validated Fields.

In System Management Help, see:

Archibus Processes

Facility managers can follow the standard Archibus processes from beginning-to-end using just Revit for the architectural graphics instead of AutoCAD, or in conjunction with AutoCAD. In particular, sites can use Revit to leverage their existing BIM models to achieve professional-quality results for high-value areas, particularly:

  • Space / Space Inventory / Building Performance
  • Space / Space Inventory / Room Inventory
  • Assets / Equipment Inventory

Once you represent your space and assets in Revit, you can publish the models to enterprise graphics for viewing in the 3D Navigator, or publish to Forge and view them in the BIM Viewer . See Publish 3D .

BIM Execution Plan

Your BIM projects start and end with your BIM Execution Plan. The plan sets out:

  • the defensible, high-value business goals you have for using BIM data
  • the elements of information you need for achieving those business goals, and how they flow from one stakeholder to another

Archibus provides a platform for BIM execution. All stakeholders can interact within the Archibus environment, flow communications without retyping, execute quality control procedures, and flow information into and out of BIM models automatically.