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Space Surveys and Mobile Apps

Space Surveys and Mobile Apps (Concept)

To determine how space is actually being used at a site and to discover inconsistencies, facility managers periodically conduct space surveys, in which space auditors in the field note current space use. Comparing an electronic space inventory to real-world conditions is an important part of maintaining an electronic inventory or monitoring a space project.

The following table summarizes typical properties of project-based and comprehensive space surveys.

  Comprehensive Project-Based

Compare electronic inventory and actual use.

Capture space at various points during moves, strategic planning, reconfiguration, and construction projects.
When Typically Conducted Annually At various phases of the project
Typical Scope Entire floor or the entire building Partial floor

Provide a starting point for an electronic space inventory.

Catch inconsistencies between the electronic inventory and field conditions, such as:

  • a storage room converted to an employee office
  • a department claiming a vacant office for their use
  • multiple employees housed in an office designed for one employee
  • employees moving offices without informing the facility manager of the change.

Verify as-built conditions

Provide a staring point for a project.

Verify that a project was completed properly

Mobile App to Use Space & Occupancy Survey (does not support projects) Space Book (supports projects)

Archibus provides two mobile apps so that auditors in the field examining real-life conditions can review the current electronic inventory and update the official electronic inventory as needed.

Mobile App Description
Space & Occupancy Survey

Does not support projects and a review process.

Supports occupancy and both types of space inventories: workspace transaction inventories and non-transaction inventories. For information on these types of inventories, see Transactional vs. Non-Transactional Space Inventory

Space Book
  • Supports projects and a review process, but does not support occupancy or transaction-based space inventories.

Thus, sites with a non-transaction space inventory can choose which mobile app to use based on whether they want to update occupancy (Space Occupancy & Survey) or use projects and a review process (Space Book).

Note: The Space SaaS module works only with non-transaction inventories.

The following table summarizes these features.

Feature Space Book mobile app Space & Occupancy Survey mobile app
Workspace transaction inventory
(Not available in Space SaaS module)
no yes
Non-workspace transaction inventory yes yes
Access and change employee and occupancy data no yes
Use space survey projects yes no

Have a supervisor review survey results before updating the inventory

yes no