Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Reports
Real Property / Leases / Lease Portfolio

Lease Portfolio Alerts

The Alerts task shows a list of your upcoming lease and option due dates, color-coded to indicate the urgency of the alert. The Business Process Owner can customize different alerts for users assigned to different roles. The customizations can include the number of days prior to the due date that triggers green, yellow, and red alerts, the number of days past the due date to keep the alert in view, and whether you receive an e-mail notification, an alert from the Alerts view, or both these notifications.


Access this view from:

  • Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Reports / Alerts
  • Real Property / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Alerts

From this view, you can:

  • View all your upcoming lease and option due dates in one location.
  • View lease or option details in a pop-up window by clicking on any cell in the row for the lease or option alert.

    Note : If you are using the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set , the Area - Neg. Rentable field uses the Unit of Measure (Metric or Imperial) defined by the User Display Unit of Measure field entered in your User Profile.

  • Sort the screen by clicking the gray rectangle in the column header you want to sort by. By default, the view is sorted by due date.
  • Generate a PDF that includes all the alerts shown on the screen by clicking the PDF button.

The Alerts view is also included in the Portfolio Dashboard, where it appears as follows:

Screen shot showing the Alerts view

See Also

Managing Alerts