Getting Results with Archibus

Space Domain

The Archibus Space domain offers tasks for creating a space inventory -- a listing of the space that a company occupies, its occupiable and non-occupiable areas, how each department is using the occupiable areas, the common areas, and how personnel are assigned to rooms within the inventory. Once you develop an inventory, you can internally bill departments for their space usage and build from your current inventory to plan your future space needs.

Typically, a building’s space is documented with database records that connect to area polylines in floor plan drawings. You will initially develop your floor plans using the AutoCAD environment.


The following are available:

Product Description
(Archibus Essentials SaaS module)

Develop space and personnel inventories, charge for space, and manage moves.

Perform all of the functions of the below products except:

Space Inventory

Develop your space inventory by representing floor plans in CAD and connecting area boundaries to database records.

Optionally, record changes to room assignments (such as changes to employee assignment, department assignment, type, and category) as a series of Workspace Transaction records. This inventory method is not available with Archibus SaaS .

Space Chargeback

Internally bill departments for the space that they occupy as well as their share of the floor’s or building’s common space.

Occupancy Once you develop a space inventory, manage how it is occupied. Enter your employees and teams and produce occupancy plans, employee headcounts, and inventories of employees by site and building. Determine employee-to-seat ratios and occupancy rates.
Moves Plan and manage “box moves," in which office contents are packed into boxes and moved to another office.
Space Planning Develop space requirements, work with stack plans to experiment with different allocations of space, and compare the different scenarios.

Additionally, you can integrate these tools into your space management procedures:

Tool Description

Archibus Workplace (self-service portal)

Search for buildings and review their floor plans.

Search for rooms and locate them on floor plans.

Search for employees and locate their offices (either permanently assigned seats or booked seats) on a floor plan.

Search for a department and examine on a floor plan all the space assigned to this department.

Request moves.

Space Book mobile app

Conduct space surveys.

Access key building data and floor plans.

Space & Occupancy Survey mobile app

Conduct space and occupancy surveys.

Access key building data and floor plans.

Supports both types of space inventories ( workspace transaction inventories and non-transaction inventories).