tracking metrics

Measurements of key aspects of your building and its operations. Organizations use metrics to monitor management processes over time, and as part of change management programs in which they measure their organization to specific key-performance indicators that measure progress towards strategic organizational goals.

Tracking metrics are defined by an Archibus administrator and added to the home pages so that users, based on their role, can see key data important to their job.


Several types of tracking metrics can be added to a home page. These metrics can be grouped together in charts and score cards.

Metric Type Description
trending metrics Track data over time, such as metrics that measure the effect of your energy consumption over time.
ratio metrics Compare one metric, such as Energy Consumption, divided by another metric, such as Gross Area. Ratio metrics are also useful for drilling down into data by building, business unit, and so forth. You can compare different organizations against each other or against a target value because the ratio metric is independent of the differences in their size
alerts Actions that need immediate attention or that have reached a high threshold, indicating that there is something wrong with the organizational process that manages that type of action
values Values that you want to measure and do not represent trends or immediate actions, but which you want to know in order to get a sense of the scope of your entire organization. For example, the number of buildings, the number of LEED-certified buildings, or Number of Days Lost to Occupational Incidents. These can be expressed in a bar chart

Many of the metrics use stoplight colors of green (on target), yellow (warning), and red (critical) to indicate severity. Administrators establish the threshold values for these levels and can additionally implement an email notification feature so that users not only see the warnings on the home page but also receive email when values reach the defined thresholds.

Compare analysis metrics .

See also Archibus Performance Metrics Framework .