Space Manager
Space / Occupancy / Space Manager (Transactional)
Space Manager
As a space manager, you ensure that space is provided for all employees; all space requests from the organization come to you for fulfillment. You must also ensure that your organization’s space supply meets its demands, both currently and in the future. You may work with the real estate director to plan future space needs, whether that be by consolidating space, dropping leases, or finding new leases, purchasing, or building.
You typically need to perform such tasks as:
- approve and issue service requests for moves
- approve and issue service requests for claims and releases of space
- reassign space between departments
- assign employees to rooms
- reconfigure rooms to new uses, such as converting a storage area to an office
- settle conflicting space requests, or requests that conflict with the existing space profile
- arrange space to accommodate requests that are submitted in the form of a required square footage rather than a specific room
- analyze space usage and occupancy over time
- minimize unused space (remaining area)
General Procedure
- Manage the space inventory by performing these tasks:
- Approve Service Requests for moves and department manager space requests (if your site has established an approval process)
- Issue Service Requests for moves and department manager space requests (if your site has established an issuing process)
- Edit Service Requests for moves and department manager space requests
- Edit Room Properties Using a Room Plan
- Edit Room Properties Using a Form
- Review Occupancy and Assign Employees to Rooms using a Room Plan
- Share Rooms (Creating Workspace Transactions)
- Delete Rooms
- Review your work and look for exceptions to your space conventions by running the Workspace Transaction Exceptions report. From this task, you can correct issues by reassigning rooms to departments, creating new workspace transactions, and so forth.
- Review your work and look for exceptions to your employee conventions by running the Employee Exceptions report. Make corrections to your data as needed.
- If you have Workspace Transaction records and have edited the master Room record, run the Reconcile Workspace Transactions task to apply the room attributes to the Workspace Transaction records.
- After you make changes, run the Update Area Totals task to calculate values such as average are per occupant for a specified date range.
- Run the following reports to analyze your space and occupancy data:
- Occupiable Vacant Room Highlights
- Occupancy Plan
- Locate Employee
- Workspace Transaction Console -- for seeing personnel inventory changes over time, and projected future space usage. From this task, you can also perform the tasks listed in Step 1. This task is handy for reviewing your data and making corrections all from one task.
- Allocation, Trends, and Benchmarks
- Location Metrics