Procure (Process Overview)
Capital Projects / Projects
Procure (Process Overview)
Once a project has been approved and work packages have been set up for vendors to bid on, the facilities manager can use the Procure process to develop vendor data, enter bids for vendors, update work packages, and review data that helps assess which bids to approve.
For a description of the entire project management workflow, see Projects Application Overview .
Note : Change orders are managed from the Management Console - Adjust tab. See Managing Change Orders. Vendors can request change orders from the Contract process.
You can use the tasks on the Navigator, or use the Management Console - Procure tab that contains all the tasks on the Navigator except Update Work Packages.
The Procure process includes the following tasks:
- Add and Edit Vendors : Enter information for vendors so that they can log into Archibus and enter bids using the Contract process. You can run the Procure / Add and Edit Vendors task. Or, you can run the Add and Edit Vendors task from the Management Console: Procure task. From the Management Console - Procure task, you select a project and then select the Procure/Vendor Summary tab. For details on the Vendors table, see Entering Vendors.
- Update Work Packages : Change the work package status to "Approved Out to Bid", so that vendors can bid on it. This is the only Procure task that is not available from the Management Console. See Setting Up Work Packages for Bidding.
- Review Actions by Work Package: Select a work package to review its actions. This task provides a read-only view, but you can export the action details to Excel or generate a report.
- Enter Bids : Enter bids that vendors have called or faxed in to you. See Entering Bids. Vendors can also enter their own bids using the Contract process. See Bidding on Work Packages (Vendor Help) .
- Review Variances - Bids to Baseline and Design :Compare bids to cost estimates to help decide which bid to accept. See Comparing Bids to Estimates.
- Review Vendors Invoices and Payments: Review invoices and payments you have sent to a vendor. See Review Vendor Information.
- Report Vendors Performance : Review vendor performance on completed work packages, including the estimated duration and the actual duration. See Review Vendor Information.
- Approve Bids : After you have reviewed the available bids for a work package, you can approve the bid that best meets your requirements. See Approve Bids.
- Record and Publish Contracts: After the employer has approved a vendor bid, the two parties agree on a contract. You can record that the contract has been signed by changing the Bid Status to Contract Signed; you can attach the proposal and contract documents to the bid record. See Record and Publish Contracts.
Management Console - Procure: The Procure tab of the Management Console provides an alternate way to access tasks for the Navigator Procure process. See Management Console - Procure (Overview).