Remaining Area (Concept)
Archibus SaaS / Space
Space / Space Inventory
Remaining Area (Concept)
Because of the cost of the space and the goal to maximize its use, many sites wish to account for every area on a floor. Space managers can use the remaining area calculations to determine the amount of area that was not captured in the space inventory.
Remaining Area is calculated as:
Internal Gross Area - Total Area
Note that Total Area is calculated as below, enabling a space inventory that mixes groups and rooms:
Total Room Area + Total Group Area
A significant remaining area can indicate that the room and group polylines were not accurately drawn; CAD specialists may need to return to the drawings to adjust the polylines and capture all areas.
In some cases, CAD specialists cannot capture all area in the polylines and you cannot eliminate remaining area from the inventory.
As with common areas on the floor, you can charge departments for their proportional share of remaining area. This ensures that all area in the inventory is charged to departments. You can charge a floor's remaining area to all departments on the floor, in the building, or across the entire site.
In order to charge departments for remaining area, you must first set the Remaining Area Prorate field of the Floors table to either FLOOR, BUILDING, or SITE. The Standard Space Chargeback and Shared Workspace Chargeback methods can then include remaining area with the common areas that they proportionately distribute to departments. For information on setting this field, see the Space Chargeback application's Define Cost per Area tasks.