Mobile Apps Administrator
Mobile Framework
Mobile Apps Administrator
Archibus Mobile Apps Overview
System management users and add-in managers will use the following topics to install and customize the Archibus mobile apps.
When customizing the mobile apps, add-in managers should also consult the Solutions Template mobile app which provides examples of using some of the features described in these topics.
Installation and Configuration
- Installation: General Staff (User Help)
- Installation: Archibus Administrator (User Help)
- Installation: System Administrator
- Archibus Mobile Apps: Getting Started
User Interface Extensions
Floor Plans and Maps
Data Download and Workflow
- Control Auto-Synchronization During Startup
- Set Background Data Synchronization Interva l
- Optimize Mobile Sync
- Add a Synchronize Action
- Apps and their Sync Tables
Using Sencha to Create a New Mobile App
- Process Overview
- Licensing and Security for New Mobile Apps
- Configuring the Mobile Development Environment
- Create a New App Directory Structure Using Sencha CMD
- Understanding the Sencha MVC File Structure
- Create a New Mobile App Using the Template App
- Add a New App to the App Launcher.
- Build an Application Using Sencha CMD