PM Schedule

A preventive maintenance schedule executes a preventive maintenance procedure on an area or equipment item and defines the scheduling pattern, number of units to process, the first execution date, priority, and so forth.

To create a PM schedule, you attach a PM procedure to a specific equipment item or location, and specify when to execute the procedure. For example, you can attach a PM procedure for changing an air filter to a piece of HVAC equipment, specify the first execution date, and the scheduling intervals for performing this procedure on this piece of equipment. Another HVAC equipment item can be assigned this same procedure, but have a different scheduling interval or first execution date.

PM Schedules are store in the PM Schedules (pms) table. With the schedule defined, you run a routine to generate the dates that the schedule should be executed. The generated dates are PM schedule dates, and are stored in the PM Schedule Dates (pmsd) table.