Archibus SaaS / Leases
Real Property / Lease Administration
Real Property / Costs
Real Property / Portfolio

Calculations for Benchmark Reports

Reports can include benchmark calculations that enable you to compare leases, buildings, or properties on an even basis. The following sections of this topic describe these benchmarks, their calculations, and the reports they are shown in:

See Also

Area Calculations for Reports

Cost Calculations for Reports

Lease Benchmarks

Lease  benchmarks summarize costs for specific cost categories, and present these values by the lease's negotiated area , or by occupancy.

Some lease benchmarks use yearly costs. These costs are average annual costs calculated for a period of 365 days, prorated using the costs that are within the Start Date and End Date period entered in the Filter Console when the report is generated. For example, if the Start Date and End Date cover a 3 month period, the program multiples the cost figures by 4 to get the yearly costs.

The following table describes lease benchmarks and the reports they are found in.

Benchmark Description Calculation Shown in this report

The following benchmarks use the lease's Area - Neg. Rentable, the negotiated area for the lease that you manually enter using the Portfolio Edit Wizard. These benchmarks help you evaluate your costs (calculated as net income) in relation to the area for which the tenant pays rent (Area - Neg. Rentable).

Yrly Net Inc/Neg. Rent. Area


Yearly Total Cost per Neg. Rentable Area

These benchmarks use the same formula; they show the sum of the net income for all cost categories by the negotiated area for the lease.

These benchmarks are a measure of how expensive overall a leased space is in relation to the area being charged for.

(Amount Base Rent + Amount Pct. Rent + Amount Operating + Amount Taxes + Amount Other Costs)/
(the lease’s Area - Neg. Rentable)))* (365/(End Date - Start Date + 1))

Lease Abstract

Lease Benchmark

Yearly Operating Costs per Neg. Rentable Area

The Amount - Operating is the net income (calculated as Income minus Expense values) for Cost records whose Cost Category Cost Type is OPERATING EXP.

(Amount - Operating / (Area-Neg. Rentable)} * (365 / (End Date - Start Date + 1)))

Lease Benchmark
Yearly Base Rent per Neg. Rentable Area

The Amount - Base Rent is the net income (calculated as Income minus Expense values) for Cost records whose Cost Category Cost Type is BASE RENT.

(Amount - Base Rent / (Area - Neg. Rentable)} * 365 / (End Date - Start Date + 1)))

Lease Benchmark
Yearly Percentage Rent per Neg. Rentable Area

The Amount - Pct. Rent is the net income (calculated as Income minus Expense values) for Cost records whose Cost Category Cost Type is PCT. RENT.

(Amount - Pct. Rent / (Area - Neg. Rentable)} * (365 / End Date - Start Date + 1)))

Lease Benchmark
Expenses/Neg. Area

This is a measure of the lease's total expenses in relation to the negotiated area for the lease.

The Amount - Total Rent Expenses is the sum of the expense values for cost records whose Cost Category Cost Type is BASE RENT, PCT. RENT, or OTHER RENT. The Amount - Operating, Amount - Other, and Amount - Taxes are calculated as net income; these amounts are adjusted for any incidental income for that cost category cost type.

(((Amount - Total Rent Expenses + (Amount - Operating + Amount - Other + Amount - Taxes)) / (Area - Neg. Rentable)} * (365 / End Date - Start Date + 1)))

Lease Financial Summary
Income/Neg. Area

This is a measure of the lease's total rental income in relation to the negotiated area for the lease.

The Amount - Total Rent Income is the sum of the income values for cost records whose Cost Category Cost Type is BASE RENT, PCT. RENT, or OTHER RENT.

((Amount - Total Rent Income) / ('Area - Neg. Rentable') * (365 / End Date - Start Date + 1)))

Lease Financial Summary
The following benchmarks use the Occupancy - Lease value entered for the lease using the Portfolio Edit Wizard or Portfolio Edit Form - Complete tasks. These benchmarks help you evaluate your costs (calculated as net income) in relation to the number of people occupying the space. The data is normalized to reflect yearly costs.
Yearly Base Rent per Occupant

The Amount - Base Rent is the net income (calculated as Income minus Expense values) for Cost records whose Cost Category Cost Type is Base Rent.

(Amount - Base Rent / Occupancy - Lease)} * (365 / End Date - Start date + 1)))

Lease Benchmark
Yearly Percentage Rent per Occupant

The Amount - Pct. Rent is the net income (calculated as Income minus Expense values) for Cost records whose Cost Category Cost Type is Pct. Rent.

(Amount - Pct. Rent / Occupancy - Lease)} * (365 / (End Date - Start Date + 1))

Lease Benchmark
Yearly Total Cost per Occupant

Yearly Total Cost sums the net income for all cost categories.

((Amount - Base Rent + Amount - Operating + Amount - Taxes + Amount - Other + Amount - Pct. Rent) / (Occupancy - Lease)} * 365 / End Date - Start Date + 1))

Lease Benchmark

Building Benchmarks

The following benchmarks are calculated for buildings. These benchmarks appear in the Building Abstract, and Property and Building Benchmarks reports. These building benchmarks depend on measured areas that are part of a Building Performance CAD inventory. See Areas Based on a Building Performance Inventory.

Note: The measured areas based on a building performance CAD inventory are calculated when the Update Area Totals action is run from one of the processes for the Space Inventory application or Space module, such as the Building Performance process. If your CAD specialist has made recent changes to your measured areas, ask your space manager or facility manager to run the Update Area Totals task so that these area changes are reflected in the reports of the Leases, Portfolio, and Costs applications. Additionally, some reports (such as Lease Abstract and Property Abstract) offer the Update All Room Area action (which runs these same calculations) from the report. For information on this action, see Update Room Areas .

Benchmark Description Calculation Shown in these reports
RU Ratio The Rentable / Usable ratio indicates how much of a facility's space is dedicated to service area, and therefore describes efficiency from a leasing standpoint. It describes how well you are using the rentable space. building's Rentable area /
building's Usable area

Building Abstract

Property and Building Benchmark

Efficiency Rate (U/R)

The Usable / Rentable (U/R) ratio shows how much of a floor's space is dedicated to service area. This is also known as the efficiency rate because it indicates how well the building was designed.

Building's Usable Area / Building's Rentable Area

Property and Building Benchmark

G/U Ratio

The gross/ usable ratio is a measure of design efficiency.

Building's Gross Internal Area /
building's Usable Area.

Building Abstract

Property and Building Benchmark

Cost per Employee Benchmark

The Cost per Employee ratio enables you to evaluate a building's cost in relation to the number of people occupying the building.

The building's Cost per Area field records the cost of 1 square meter or 1 square foot of area. Typically, an accountant in your organization will determine the cost of one square foot of area and provide you with this figure. This cost figure can be derived from a combination of the cost of rent, construction, maintenance, building insurance, and other factors. You can enter this amount for the building using the Portfolio Edit Wizard.

The Internal Gross area is taken from the CAD drawing for the building. Your CAD specialist can use the Space Inventory application's Building Performance process to draw the internal gross area.

The Building Occupancy is the current occupancy that you enter for the building using the Portfolio Edit Wizard.

(Building's Cost per Area X Building's Int.Gross Area/) /
Building Occupancy
Building Abstract
Occupancy Rate This is a measure of the building's current occupancy in relation to its maximum occupancy. It describes how well-utilized the building's space is in terms of housing personnel. (Building Occupancy/ Max. Bldg. Occupancy) * 100. Property Abstract (Buildings panel on the Details tab)

Property Benchmarks

Property reports include the following benchmarks to help you compare properties on an even basis. Many property benchmarks use yearly costs. These costs are average annual costs calculated for a period of 365 days, prorated using the costs that are within the Start Date and End Date period entered in the Filter Console. For example, if the Start Date and End Date cover a 3 month period, the program multiples the cost figures by 4 to get the yearly costs.

The property benchmarks that use building measured areas in their calculations (the building's rentable area and the internal gross area) depend on a CAD building performance inventory. See Building Performance Process Overview.

Note: The measured areas based on a building performance CAD inventory are calculated when the Update Area Totals action is run from one of the processes for the Space Inventory application or Space module, such as the Building Performance process. If your CAD specialist has made recent changes to your measured areas, ask your space manager or facility manager to run the Update Area Totals task so that these area changes are reflected in the reports of the Leases, Portfolio, and Costs applications. Additionally, some reports (such as Lease Abstract and Property Abstract) offer the Update All Room Area action (which runs these same calculations) from the report. For information on this action, see Update Room Areas .

The following table describes the calculations, and lists the reports the benchmarks are shown in.

Field Description Calculation Shown in these reports

The following benchmarks use the Area - Bldg. Rentable which is calculated by summing the rentable area values for all buildings assigned to the property. The building's rentable area is summed from the rentable area for its floors.

These benchmarks are a measure of the income or costs associated with a property in relation to the rentable or income-producing area for its buildings.

Yearly Income per Rentable area

This benchmark uses Income Total which summarizes the income-producing cost types for a property calculated as the sum of ( Income ) values for cost records whose Cost Category Cost Type is NOT IN (TAX, UTILITY, OPERATING EXP.).

((Income - Total / (Area - Bldg. Rentable)} ) * (365.0 / (End Date - Start Date +1))

Property and Building Benchmark

All Properties Yearly Financial Summary by Country

Yearly Operating Costs per Rentable Area

This benchmark uses Expense - Oper. Total which summarizes a property's operating expenses by calculating a net income amount (income minus expenses) for costs with the OPERATING EXP. cost type.

((Expense - Oper. Total / (Area - Bldg. Rentable)} ) * (365.0- / (End Date - Start Date + 1)))

Property and Building Benchmark

All Properties Yearly Financial Summary by Country

Yearly Total Cost per Rentable Area

Total Costs summarizes all costs for a property (both income and expenses).

((Expense - Oper Total + Expense - Tax Total + Expense - Utility Total + Expense - Other Total + Income Total / (Area - Bldg. Rentable)} ) * (365.0 /(End Date - Start Date + 1)))

Property and Building Benchmark
The following benchmarks use Property Occupancy, the number of people who work in the buildings on the property. You enter this number when you enter information for the property using the Portfolio Edit Wizard.
Yearly Total Costs per Occupant

Total Costs summarizes all costs for a property.

This benchmark measures the overall costs (both income and expenses) associated with a property in relation to its number of occupants.

((Expense - Oper Total + Expense - Tax Total + Expense - Utility Total + Expense - Other Total + Income Total / (Property Occupancy} ) * (365.0 /(End Date - Start Date + 1)))

Property and Building Benchmarks
Yearly Income per Occupant

This benchmark uses Income Total which is the sum of ( Income ) values for cost records whose Cost Category Cost Type is NOT IN (TAX, UTILITY, OPERATING EXP.).

This benchmark is a measure of the income-producing costs associated with a property in relation to its number of occupants

((Income - Total / (Property Occupancy)}) * (365.0 / End Date - Start Date + 1)))

Property and Building Benchmark

All Properties Yearly Financial Summary by Country

The following benchmark uses the property's Area - Bldg. Int. Gross area. This is the sum of the Internal Gross Area values for all buildings assigned to this property. The Internal Gross Area is part of a CAD Building Performance Inventory. See Building Performance Process Overview .
Cost / Building Int. Gross Area

Use this benchmark to review a property's expenses in relation to the floor area.

The Cost calculation summarizes as net income the major expenses of TAX, UTILITY, and OPERATING EXP; the expenses for these cost category cost types are subtracted from any incidental income. It then adds expenses for any cost types other than TAX, UTILITY, or OPERATING normalizing the data to reflect yearly costs. In this way, it summarizes the property's expenses.

((Expense - Operating Total + Expense - Utility Total + Expense - Tax Total + Expense - Other Total/ ('Area - Bldg. Int. Gross')} * (365.0 / (End Date - Start Date + 1)))

Property Financial Summary