Web Central Glossary
- Carbon Footprint Terms
- aircraft factors
- biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
- BOD5
- carbon content
- carbon footprint
- carbon footprint protocol
- commercial aircraft factor
- common unit
- conversion factor
- direct emissions
- downstream emissions
- emission factor
- emission factor sector
- energy grid
- fuel base
- fuel density
- global warming potential (GWP)
- greenhouse gas (GHG)
- greenhouse gas inventory
- gross calorific value (GCV)
- heat content
- indirect emissions
- Metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO2 Eq.)
- mobile factors
- net calorific value (NCV)
- other emissions
- oxidation factor
- ratio of molecular weights
- refrigeration factors
- scope 1 emissions
- scope 2 emissions
- scope 3 emissions
- solid waste factors
- stationary fuel combustion
- subregion
- technology (emission factors)
- total emissions per unit area
- upstream emissions
- wastewater factors
- CA Terms
- action item
- action item status (Projects and Capital Budgeting)
- action type (Capital Projects domain)
- actual cost (Projects)
- anticipated cost (Projects application)
- assessment item
- assessment project
- baseline cost (Capital Projects domain)
- baseline schedule (Capital Projects domain)
- bid (Projects application)
- capital budget
- capital budget code
- capital cost (Capital Projects domain)
- capital program
- capital program type
- classifications
- classification standard
- committed cost (Projects application)
- communication log
- condition assessment
- Condition Assessment actions
- condition assessment scoreboard
- condition rating
- contract
- Cost Performance Index
- design cost (Projects application)
- design schedule (Projects application)
- document template
- expense cost (Capital Budgeting)
- facility index
- field assessor (Condition Assessment and Sustainability Assessment applications)
- funding allocation
- funding scenario
- funding source
- holdback
- Management Console
- milestone action type
- person-hours
- project
- project phase (Projects application)
- project priority (Capital Projects domain)
- project procurement
- project request
- project template (Capital Projects domain)
- project type
- retainage
- scenario costs (Capital Budgeting)
- Schedule Performance Index
- tablet PC
- work package
- Commissioning Terms
- approval (commissioning)
- as-built drawings
- basis of design
- checklists
- commissioning plan
- commissioning process
- commissioning project scoreboard
- commissioning report
- commissioning specification
- commissioning summary
- commissioning team
- construction checklist
- construction documents
- continuous commissioning process
- contract documents
- coordination drawings
- Design Intent Document
- design submission
- issues log
- ongoing commissioning process
- operations and maintenance manual
- Owner's Project Requirements
- recommissioning
- recommissioning management manual
- redline as-built drawing
- retrocommissioning
- systems manual
- test data reports
- test procedure
- training plan
- verification
- verification checklists
- warranty review
- Compliance Terms
- compliance level
- compliance location
- compliance priority
- compliance program
- compliance survey/questionnaire
- contract (Compliance application)
- contract term
- event
- event status
- initiative (Compliance)
- missed event
- overdue event
- regulation
- regulation rank
- requirement
- requirement category
- requirement priority
- requirement status
- requirement type
- standard (Compliance)
- universal notification template
- violation (Compliance)
- Core Terms
- 360 Viewer
- Amount Base
- Amount Expense
- Amount Expense - Base
- Amount Expense - Total
- Amount Expense - VAT
- Amount Income
- Amount Income - Base
- Amount Income - Total
- Amount Income - VAT
- Amount VAT
- application parameter
- application server
- Archibus
- Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set
- Base Cost
- base units
- Budget Currency
- Budget Exchange Rate
- business process owner
- business unit
- child band
- custodian
- dashboard view
- data band
- demo mode
- Enhanced Global Feature Set
- exchange rate override
- exchange rate type
- extended questionnaire
- filter console
- general staff
- grouping field
- highlighted drawing
- Invoice Currency
- My Favorites
- on-ramp
- organizational unit
- parent band
- Payment Currency
- Payment Exchange Rate
- questionnaire system
- recurring schedule
- reference document
- rich-interface view
- Total Costs
- User Default Currency
- User Display Unit of Measure
- VAT Costs
- VAT Country
- VAT Percent
- View Analysis views
- View Definition Wizard
- workflow rule
- Energy Terms
- auto-estimate balance points
- balance point
- baseline energy consumption
- billing period
- bill type
- bill units
- consumption
- cooling balance point
- cooling degree days (CDD)
- cooling utility type
- data point (Energy)
- degree days
- demand
- energy baseline period
- Energy Utilization Index (EUI)
- heating balance point
- heating degree days (HDD)
- heating utility type
- outside air temperature (OAT)
- power
- prorate by location (Energy)
- prorate by time (Energy)
- virtual meter
- weather agency providing data
- weather model
- Weather Station Code
- CAS number
- constituent
- custodian (SDS)
- density
- EC number
- flash point
- GHS classification
- hazard classification category
- hazard classification class
- hazard classification system
- HMIS classification
- ICSC number
- NFPA classification
- RTECS number
- superseded SDS
- Tier 1 and Tier II Classifications
- Tier II Chemical Inventory Report
- UN (United Nations) number
- vapor density
- Reserve
- announcement # of days ahead
- announcement time
- capacity
- conference call primary location
- conference call reservation
- Conference Reservation Code (field)
- continuous reservation
- external guests
- fixed resource (room amenity)
- group size
- limited resource
- meeting space reservation
- recurring reservation
- resource reservation
- resource type
- room arrangement
- room arrangement type
- room configuration
- single reservation
- trade
- unique resource
- unlimited resource
- vendor
- vendor invoices
- active (portfolio item)
- activity log item
- actual cost (Real Property, Leases)
- allocation event (Portfolio Forecast Wizard)
- amenity
- Amount Invoice
- availability
- available area
- building
- CAM adjustment
- CAM Cost - Estimated
- CAM Cost Actual
- CAM profile
- CAM reconciliation
- capital lease
- change-over date
- chargeback cost agreement
- chargeback (Real Property)
- Chart of Accounts (COA)
- common area - suites (Total Common Area)
- Common Area Maintenance (CAM) costs
- communication log item
- cost category (Real Property)
- cost class (Real Property)
- cost (Real Property)
- cost type
- created (transaction)
- differential
- estimated area (buildings or land)
- facility type
- floor manual area
- key performance indicator (kpi)
- land
- leased out area
- lease buyout option
- lease cost profile
- lease indexing
- lease indexing profile
- lease status
- Lease Year
- measured area
- negotiated area (Real Property)
- operating expense lease
- parcel
- pipeline
- portfolio item
- posted (transaction)
- prepayment
- price index
- property
- property asset
- property or building status
- real property asset
- recurring cost (leases and properties)
- rentable area - lease (Area Meas. Rentable)
- rentable area - suites (Area - Rentable)
- right-of-use lease option (ROU option)
- scheduled cost (Real Property)
- stepped rent
- straight line rent accounting
- structure
- suite
- total leased out area (suite manual area)
- total leased out area (suite usable area)
- transaction status (US Federal Property Registry application)
- transaction type (US Federal Property Registry application)
- transaction (US Federal Property Registry application)
- usable area - lease (Area - Meas. Usable)
- usable area - suites (Area - Usable)
- Service Desk
- acceptance step
- client (requestor)
- Date and Time Required
- escalation
- problem type
- request type
- service catalog
- service contract (Service Desk application)
- service desk manager
- service desk role
- service level agreement (SLA)
- service provider
- service request
- service request notification
- service request priority
- service request status
- service request status step
- service request step status
- service window
- step type
- Time to Complete
- Time to Respond
- Space
- allocated room area (Space Inventory)
- campus plan
- chargeable area
- chargeback (Space)
- charged area
- common area - floor
- departmental area
- dominant portion
- external gross area
- external wall area
- finished surface
- floor plan
- group area
- internal gross area
- non-occupiable room
- occupancy count
- occupiable room
- personnel room
- primary circulation area
- primary location/room
- Prorate field
- remaining area
- rentable area
- room area
- room category
- room inventory
- room status
- room type
- satellite location/room
- secondary circulation area
- service area
- site plan
- space hierarchy
- team
- team association
- team space
- transactional Space features
- usable area
- vertical penetration
- workspace transaction
- Web Central Terms
- accumulated depreciation
- assembly
- asset
- asset activities
- asset custodian
- asset dependencies
- asset registry
- asset requirement (Enterprise Assets)
- asset transaction
- asset transaction type
- auto-numbered field
- auto-numbered record
- backbone cabling system
- building system
- cable pairs
- campus
- chain of custody
- component
- criticality (Assets domain)
- cross-connect
- current value
- custodian status
- dependent asset
- depreciation
- depreciation expense
- depreciation log
- depreciation period
- depreciation property type
- double-declining-balance depreciation
- entrance facility
- Equipment Age (yrs)
- equipment inventory
- equipment room
- equipment system
- faceplate
- fire asset
- functional criticality
- furniture and equipment inventory
- furniture standards inventory
- horizontal cabling system
- hub
- In-Service Date
- individual asset (Enterprise Assets)
- jack
- licensed bed
- mission criticality
- mutliplexing
- network device
- owner custodian (Assets domain)
- patch panel
- percentage depreciation method
- port
- position (Archibus Client/Server and Asset Portal)
- punch block (for Archibus Client/Server and Asset Portal)
- rack
- Remaining Life (yrs)
- room pressure
- salvage value
- straight line depreciation
- sum-of-years digits depreciation
- tagged furniture inventory
- telecommunications circuit
- telecom area
- telecom area equipment
- telecom area level
- telecom closet
- telecom connection inventory
- Telecom Contained Tables field (Archibus Client/Server and Asset Portal)
- telecom hierarchy level (Archibus Client/Server and Asset Portal only)
- telecom service type
- tracing
- user-defined field
- work area
- work area equipment
- Years Life Expectancy