View Element Reference

< action />

An action element creates a user interface button. The action element may be used to place a button in the panel titlebar or adjacent to a form field. The action element typically contains command elements, which represent operations that are performed when the user clicks on the button:

<action id="save">
    <title translatable="true">Save</title>
    <tooltip>Save Record</tooltip>
    <command type="saveForm"/>
    <command type="showPanel" panelId="projects_list"/>

Alternatively, the control may use the onclick attribute to call a JavaScript function by name. The onclick attribute can also take inline JavaScript fragments:

<action onclick="copyValues">
    <title translatable="true">Copy Values</title>
</action> <action onclick="alert('Copying Values'); copyValues();">
    <title translatable="true">Copy Values</title>

Enclosing Element

This tag may be used as a direct child of a <panel> or the <field> element.


This tag may enclose a <title>, <tooltip> and one or more <command> child elements.

Attribute Description Valid Values Optional
id An identifier for the UI control (e.g., button). free text, must be unique within the axvw view file yes
imageName Image file to replace button text path to image file yes
onClick The function to be called  when the user clicks on the UI control a valid, available, function name yes
enabled Typically used with a condition to dynamically enable or disable an action button

a condition that evaluates to true or false .

Typically using a binding expression such as ${!user.isMemberOfGroup('FIM')} which compares the current user with an established security group

hidden Allows for the use of an expression to conditionally hide the control an expression evaluating to true or false. Typically uses a record-accessing binding expression such as ${record[project.status] == 'Created'} yes
cssClass A CSS class to be used for styling the constructed UI control a valid CCS class name available in the standard or user-developed stylesheets yes