Space / Space Inventory

Background Data (Process Overview)

Before you can develop your space inventory, you must develop your background data. This includes configuring the program to use the workspace transaction features, developing the space hierarchy (Sites, Buildings, and Floors), and developing the organization hierarchy (Business Units, Divisions, and Departments).


Controlling Application Features

You can choose to work with the workspace transaction-based space features or the non-transactional space features. Use the following task to set the program to use the appropriate feature set:

You may also wish to review certain controllable behaviors of the Space Inventory application and set them to meet the need's of your site:

Control drawing publishing:

Defining Organizations and Locations

Developing your organization's location and organizational data should be done by a facility manager or other staff member who is familiar with the details of the building and organization.

To enter your location and organization data, you will use the Define Locations and Define Organizations task. With these tasks, you can enter new data or edit existing data. When editing existing data, you can use the filter console, located at the top of the view, to limit the display of the locations and organizations to only those containing the value you enter in the filter console. For information on the filter console, see Using Filter Consoles

The Define Locations and Define Organizations tasks use a drill-down selection list to present the levels of location and organization data. For information on working with this, see Using Drill-Down Selection Lists.

For details, see:

Exporting your Background Data

For your convenience, the main tables of the space hierarchy and organizational hierarchy are listed on the Navigator with tasks convenient for exporting to Excel or Word, or using the Archibus Data Transfer feature.

Editing Standard Space Plan Types

You can edit attributes for plan types , and can add new plan types if needed. See Edit Standard Space Plan Types.