< layout />

Specifies the layout for a multi-panel view assembly. A layout may be specified inline within the AXVW itself, or by referencing an external layout file. A layout file is simply an AXVW that contains one or more <layout> elements within a <view> element.

<layout type="borderLayout" id="mainLayout">
<north autoScroll="true" split="true" initialSize="300" minSize="100"/>
<center autoScroll="true"/>
<layout type="borderLayout" id="projectLayout" containingLayout="mainLayout" region="north">
<west autoScroll="true" split="true" initialSize="300" minSize="100"/>
<center autoScroll="true"/>

Referencing an external layout file in an AXVW view file:

<layout file="2panels.axvw"/>

Enclosing Element: This tag is a direct child of the <view> element.

Encloses: This tag can enclose the <north|south|east|west|center> child elements.
Attribute Description Valid Values Optional
id Specifies an id for the layout. Used by nested layouts to specify containingLayout a string unique within the view yes
types The layout type borderLayout yes
containingLayout Used by nested layouts to specify the id of the containing layout. Accompanied by the region attribute an existing layout id yes
region Used by nested layouts to specify the id of the layout region to be used in the containing layout. Accompanied by the containingLayout attribute an existing layout region id. yes
file For referencing an external layout, the name of the axvw layout file to be used. the file name of an existing axvw layout file. yes