< title />
View Element Reference
< title />
This element specifies the text that will appear as the label of the parent element. The title element may be used in many contexts, including panel headers, tab titles, action button text, and custom field titles. When the title element is used as a child of the view element, it specifies the content of the page’s title bar. Individual panels, report column headers, form field labels and buttons within the view can set their own title via a similar element nested within the desired context. The text can be localized and styled by the element’s attributes.
Translatable text must be in "XML-safe" format. For example, double-quote (") characters are not allowed in title text. Single quotes are allowed.
<tab name="page-2">
<title translatable="true">Rooms</title>
<panel type="grid" id="rm_report">
<title translatable="true"
class="myTitleClass">Panel Title Bar with CSS Class</title>
<field id="user_email" controlType="text" value="${user.email}">
<title translatable="false">${user.name} Email</title>
Enclosing Element: This tag is a direct child of the <view>, <panel>, <tab>, <field> or <action> element.
Encloses: This element encloses the text to be displayed, or used as the key for translation.
Attribute | Description | Valid Values | Optional |
translatable | denotes that the title will be translated into the local language in the UI when the localization file contains an entry using this tag’s content as the key |
defaulting to
yes |
hidden | conditionally hide the title based on whether the given condition is true or false. This is useful, for example, when it is necessary to modify the tile depending on a value available at the view level. Two <title> elements are used with each having a hidden condition evaluating to the opposite of the other so that in every situation one is true and the other is false | a condition that evaluates to true or false. Typically using a binding expression such as ${record[project.status] == 'Created'} | yes |