Space / Moves / Move Coordinator

Move Coordinator: Overview

Once a move is requested, the move coordinator starts the process of managing the move through its various stages using the tasks of the Moves / Move Coordinator process.

Note : Beginning with Archibus V.24.1, the Move Coordinator process was updated to include the Move Console and individual tasks for estimating, approving, issuing, and completing move orders were removed from the process. The below procedure uses the Move Console to perform the tasks of estimating, approving, issuing, and completing move orders. If you wish to use the legacy tasks, you can follow this same procedure, but use the corresponding legacy tasks. For information, see Legacy (pre-V.24.1) Move Coordinator Tasks.

Using the Move Console

The Space / Moves / Move Coordinator / Move Console enables you to perform all of the steps of the below procedure from one console. For general information about the Move Console, see:


Prerequisite: Staff request an individual move or group move.

  1. Review requested moves and estimate their costs . While doing so, you can:
    • add additional data , such as the items to move, the destination rooms, and the move date. You may want to check the Available Rooms report.
  2. When you are satisfied with the move details , route the move for approval to one or more approving managers . Optionally, you can auto-approve the move.
  3. The approving manager approves the move .
  4. Once the move is approved, issue the move .
    • Issuing the move sets the move in motion. At this point, all the employees, craftspersons, and additional contractors who have a role in the move begin to complete their tasks.
    • You may wish to print the move order so that movers have a hard copy to refer to. You can do this from the Report button in the top right corner.
  1. Optional: Create move scenarios for employee and team group to experiment with different move layouts. Then, choose the best to implement and update the move project with the details.
    • To do so, you work with the Move Console's Move Scenarios tab.
    • Your site may opt to have a dedicated move scenario planner perform this work using the Space / Moves / Move Scenario Planner process. The move scenario features operate the same regardless of which task they are accessed from.
    • See Move Scenarios: Overview.
  2. Ongoing: Throughout the move's lifecycle, use the Move Console to monitor moves and edit moves as necessary:

  3. After all the actions of a move have been completed by craftspersons and telecom personnel, confirm that the move is complete and complete and close the move.
  4. Ongoing: Review these reports as needed: