Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Maintenance Manager

Maintenance Manager

As a maintenance manager, you have a deep understanding of the preventive maintenance that is required to keep your facility in good working order. You know the equipment and areas that need routine maintenance. and the daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance that is required to keep them clean and operational.

As a maintenance manager, you use your knowledge and analysis of the facility's operation, available resources, and safety requirements to define your site's maintenance procedures and schedules in the Archibus system.

With this information entered, you can have the Archibus system automatically generate work orders for executing your maintenance work at the times that the work is required. Tasks will not be missed or overlooked because the Archibus system automatically generates the work order at the appropriate time for executing the work. The up-front definition work that you, as a maintenance manager, invest enables the Archibus system to automatically generate work orders that have all the details necessary to execute the job.

The general process is:

  1. Review these concepts:
  1. Define maintenance checklists .
  2. Define your site's general PM procedures.
  3. Assign the general PM procedures to equipment and locations.
  4. Set the preventive maintenance schedule.
  5. Determine the upcoming maintenance work for a specified time period .
    • Generate the schedule by running the Define PM Schedule Dates by PM Schedule task and clicking the Generate Schedules button. This generates PM schedule dates .
    • You can also use this task to adjust the generated scheduled or manually schedule work.
    • Note: if desired, you can skip this step and generate the PM schedule dates when you generate work orders in step 7.
  6. Ongoing: Analyze the past and upcoming work, drill down to PM schedule dates, create and edit PM Schedule Date records, and analyze costs and labor using the PM Planner task.
  7. Generate work orders. There are two methods:
  • At periodic intervals, generate PM work orders for the maintenance work due during a time period you specify by running the Generate PM Work Orders task .
    • With this task, you generate work orders -- complete with required part, labor, and tool type requirements-- based on the preventive maintenance requirements you defined in step 1.
    • If you did not optionally generate the schedule in Step 4, this task generates the schedule and generates work orders for the schedule.
    • For information on how the system generates work orders, see Understanding the PM Work Order Generation Routine
  1. View the list of generated work orders by running View Active PM Work Orders task.

Note : Next in the PM work cycle, a supervisor typically assigns the generated work order to craftspersons for execution and issues the work order. See Supervisor Overview for details.