View Mobile Log
System / Mobile Apps Manager
View Mobile Log
System / Mobile Apps Manager / View Mobile Log
task (ab-mobile-log.axvw) is used by both the Archibus mobile apps and the OnSite mobile app to access the Client Mobile Log table (the
Archibus Mobile Apps
To enable logging for the Archibus mobile apps, you activate it from the Logging tab of the Preferences form. With logging on, the database writer writes the messages to the Messages table in the device's database and then upload the messages to Web Central. This method enables the Mobile Apps Manager to access the log messages originating from the device without having to physically access the device.
See Mobile Logging (System Management Help) for steps to configure this method of logging.
When the mobile user chooses the Preferences / Logging form / Sync Log action , the system uploads the contents of the Messages table to Web Central. The Mobile Apps Manager can then use the System / Mobile Apps Manager / View Mobile Log task to view the log messages in Web Central.
OnSite Mobile App
You can also use this task to view error messages generated by OnSite. All server errors, including sync errors when offline, are logged. Errors might come from actions such as Offline Support, Add Work Log, and Add Photos.
Field | Description |
application | Completed with “OnSite” |
device_id | User's device ID |
log_message | The full message thrown, limit to 4000 chars (based on schema definition) |
message_id | The action/mutation name |
message_date | the current date when error is thrown |
message_time | the current time when error is thrown |
message_timestamp | the current timestamp |
mob_is_changed field | “Yes” or “No” depending on if the mobile value is changed |
priority | “Error” |
user_name | the current user_name |
mob_locked_by | the current user_name |
Using the Log
The View Mobile Log task has a filter for limiting the error log entries to a particular mobile app or OnSite, particular user, or date range.
You can export the log to Excel, and delete items as necessary.