Role-Based Overview of Preventive Maintenance
Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance
Role-Based Overview of Preventive Maintenance
The typical PM workflow procedure and typical PM workflow procedure (Archibus SaaS) outline the basic procedure to manage PM work start-to-finish. Typically, these tasks will be performed by several different types of users and these users will sign into Web Central to access just the tasks appropriate to their role.
As an alternative application overview, the below sections lists the roles and their major tasks.
Business Process Owner
Maintenance Manager
Managing Schedules with the PM Planner
- Set the Display of PM Planner
- Examine Counts and Statistics for Groupings
- Examine Individual PM Schedules and PM Schedule Dates
- Edit PM Schedules and PM Schedule Dates
- Generate a Single Work Order for Missed Work
- Analyze Maintenance History and End-of-Life
- Analyze Labor Requirements and Costs
- Export the PM Schedules for the Next 52 Weeks to Excel
Service Desk Manager
Workflow (Status Changes)
Workflow (Status Changes)
Analyst and Others Requiring Reports
System Integrator / System Administrator
Service Level Agreements
- Understanding Service Desk Steps
- Understanding Service Desk Roles
- Manage Service Desk Steps
- Manage Service Desk Roles
- Service Desk Role Helper
Maintenance Console
- Set Application Parameters for the Maintenance Console
- Add Fields to the Maintenance Console's Search
- Security Groups for the Maintenance Console