Encrypt Passwords in Configuration Files

User names and passwords in configuration files should be encrypted.


  1. Enclose plain text values with TO_ENCRYPT() . For example:
    • mail.host.password=TO_ENCRYPT(plaintextvalue)
  2. Set the system property: APP_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD .
    • Example: Modify \apache-tomcat-9.0.39\bin\startup.bat to add the following line at the beginning of the file:
  1. Start Web Central. The encryption password will be read from the system property: APP_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD .
  2. Run System / Archibus Administrator - User and Security / Encrypt Passwords in Configuration Files .
  3. The values in the properties files will be replaced with ENC(encryptedvalue) . For example:
    • mail.host.password=ENC(1sJGWo3C/1Z2c58a218htA==)

More Information

For further details, see http://www.jasypt.org/index.html .