Sustainability & Risk / Compliance / Getting Started

Getting Started: Tracking Compliance Violations

To evaluate compliance problems, you might want to track compliance violations by regulation, compliance program, requirement, contract, contract term, and location.

Role/Task Description Help Topics
Business Process Owner

Define Violation Types

You can define violation types to help locate and report on violations. For example, you can define a violation type of "Expired Permit" or "Expired License" to track where your violations are occurring. Defining Violations Types
Compliance Program Manager

Manage Compliance Violations

The Compliance application enables you to maintain a record of violations and penalties assessed for regulatory violations.

Add violation information for regulations, compliance programs, and requirements.

Managing Violations
Contract Manager

Manage Contract Violations

The Compliance application enables you to maintain a record of violations and penalties assessed for contracts.

Add violation information for regulations, contracts, and contract terms.

Managing Violations
Operational Reports

Compliance Violations

View violations for programs, requirements, locations. Use a drill-down selection list to select a regulation, compliance program, or requirement to see its violations. Operational Reports
Management Reports

Compliance Violations Count

Enables you to analyze which regulations, programs, and locations have the most violations. Includes a horizontal stacked bar chart and a line graph. Management Reports

Compliance Violations Cost Summary

Enables you to evaluate violations by their cost. Management Reports

Compliance Violations Map

A map view that enables you to quickly evaluate violations by location and to assess areas of concern world-wide. Compliance Violations Map Report
Work Status Reports

Programs with Overdue PM Schedules

Enables you to see overdue preventive maintenance work that is linked to your Compliance requirements, and overdue on demand work that is linked to your events. You can review programs that have active work, and review all work requests, service requests, and work orders for Compliance Programs.

Work Status Reports

Programs with Overdue Corrective Maintenance

Programs with Active Work

Compliance Work History