Archibus and Serraview Integration

Overview: Archibus and Serraview Integration

You can integrate Archibus and Serraview for space management across all domains in your organization. To get started, see: Deployment Components.

Two user stories are supported.

Story 1: Add Serraview Space Optimization to an Existing Archibus Deployment

Current Archibus users may choose to integrate with Serraview Space Optimization in order to take advantage of Serraview's features, such as:

  • support of modern flexible working environments
  • drag-and-drop scenario planning
  • neighborhood seating
  • sensor integration
  • WiFi integration
  • badge-swipe integration

When users make allocation changes in Serraview, they can update Archibus with the changes.

Note : The below image uses the older terminology ("Archibus Cloud") instead of "Archibus SaaS."


For details, see Story 1: Add Serraview Space Optimization to an Existing Archibus Deployment

Story 2: Add Archibus Reservations, Assets, and Maintenance to Serraview

Serraview users may choose to leverage Archibus SaaS modules , including the Maintenance, Assets, and Reservations modules.


For details, see Story 2: Add Archibus Reservations, Building Operations, and Asset Management to an Existing Serraview Deployment

Data Transfers

In the diagram above, the arrows signify data transfers between Archibus and Serraview. The two platforms use special-purpose connectors to accomplish data transfers. To configure and use the connectors, see:

When reviewing how data is transferred, note that Serraview fields tend to be larger than Archibus fields.

Note : In both stories, you must use a conversion tool to convert floor plan drawings.
In Story 1, the connectors automatically upload the converted drawing files, but they do not perform the conversion.
In Story 2, the connectors do not automatically upload the converted drawing files.

Data Mapping

Each platform stores, organizes, and retrieves data according to its internal design. See these topics to compare how Serraview and Archibus handle space and facilities management data: