A setting that controls how a view, drawing, or the entire application behaves and is set with the program's Preferences command or by the installation program. Archibus uses several types of preferences:
- application preferences control how the entire program behaves and apply to all users working on a particular workstation. (One workstation can have multiple user accounts.) The installation program can create these preferences, even if these preferences are already established. Application preferences are stored in c:\ProgramData\archibus\smart-client\SmartClient.exe.config
- user preferences are applicable to the current user only. They are stored in the user.config file, for example, C:\users\<username>\AppData\Local\Archibus\SmartClient\user.config\archibus\smart-client\user.config .
- project preferences apply to all users working from a particular server. Users with permission can edit \ archibus\WEB-INF\config\afm-projects.xml .
- site preferences apply to all users working from a particular server. Users with permission can edit \archibus\WEB-INF\config\ .
- per-drawing preferences control individual drawings and are stored in the Archibus Drawings table.
See also per-drawing preference .