hazard assessment item
hazard assessment item
In the Archibus Hazard Abatement application, a record describing location, survey, cost, and abatement information for an instance of hazardous material. Samples sent to a lab for testing can also be associated with a hazard assessment item.
Optionally, you can record in a CAD drawing the specific area on a floor documented by the hazard assessment item.
Hazard assessment items are typically generated by the environmental hazard manager. Once the records are generated, field assessors complete them to document the existence of hazmat in the field. Estimators, analysts, inspectors, and managers then complete additional fields to document how to resolve hazmat items that need attention.
For a more refined level of managing hazard assessment items, a hazardous material manager can optionally associate the following with a hazard assessment item:
- action item
- service request (if you have a license for the On Demand application)
- communication log
Assessment items are
stored in the Action Items table (activity_log), which is used by other Archibus applications, such as Condition Assessment and Sustainability Assessment. Hazard assessment items in the Action Items table have
as their value for the Activity Type field.
See also: hazardous material project