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Eptura Knowledge Center

Tracking Craftsperson Assignments

Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Corrective Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Preventive Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Maintenance Mobile App

Concept: Tracking Craftsperson Assignments

When a craftsperson is assigned to a work request or an estimate is entered for the hours needed for the work, a record is created in the Work Request Labor Assignment table. This record stores information for the assignment, such as the craftsperson assigned, hours, and costs. The record also stores the Assignment Status, so that you can track and manage work that is actively assigned, returned, or completed. This field ensures that all work is accounted for when work is completed, and enables work that is returned to be reassigned.

A record is created for each assignment that is made, so a work request can have more than one Work Request Labor Assignment record. A craftsperson can also have multiple records for the same work request, if multiple assignments are made for that worker.

You can change the Assignment Status directly under certain circumstances, or the Assignment Status can change in response to actions you take, such as returning a work request, or marking it as complete. Assignment Statuses can have the following values:

Status Description
Active When a supervisor or SLA schedules a craftsperson to a work request, or when a craftsperson self-assigns, the status field is set to Active. The Maintenance Console and the Maintenance mobile app show a work request in a craftsperson's queue when they log on only if the Assignment Status is Active.
Complete When a craftsperson or supervisor runs the Complete action for a work request, the Assignment Status for the Work Request labor Assignment record is also set to Complete if there is only one craftsperson assigned.
Returned When a craftsperson or supervisor returns a work request, the craftsperson assignment is set to Returned. Supervisors can change the Assignment Status of a Work Request Labor Assignment (WRCF) record back to Active from Returned or Completed only if there are no Regular Hours on that record.

The Assignment Status field appears in the Craftsperson panel in the Work Request and Update Work Request forms in the Maintenance Console. This field also appears as a drop-down in the Edit Craftsperson form for Supervisors, but there are restrictions to what status changes are available.