Archibus SaaS / Leases
Real Property / Leases
Real Property / Portfolio
Real Property / Costs

Area Calculations for Real Property Reports

Reports, such as Abstracts, Rent Roll, and Benchmark reports include calculated area fields that provide summary information for your properties, buildings, and leases. The following sections provide details for the following types of area fields, including the reports the areas are shown in:

See Also

Areas Based on a Building Performance CAD Inventory

Some calculated area fields shown in the Leases, Portfolio, and Costs reports require a CAD inventory that includes a floor's gross internal area, vertical penetration, and service areas. You develop this inventory using the Space / Space Inventory / Building Performance process or Archibus SaaS / Space / Building Performance . See Building Performance Overview .

As a result of developing these fundamental floor areas, you are able to generate several important statistics about your floor, including the rentable area , the usable area , the R/U ratio, the U/R ratio, and the G/U ratio, and then have the system sum this floor information for the overall building, or for the property. The below table describes these property and building areas. See Benchmark Calculations for Reports for a description of the benchmark ratios these measurements are used in.

Note: The measured areas based on a building performance CAD inventory are calculated when the Update Area Totals action is run from one of the processes for the Space Inventory application or Space module, such as the Building Performance process. If your CAD specialist has made recent changes to your measured areas, ask your space manager or facility manager to run the Update Area Totals task so that these area changes are reflected in the reports of the Leases, Portfolio, and Costs applications. Additionally, some reports (such as Lease Abstract and Property Abstract) offer the Update All Room Area action (which runs these same calculations) from the report. For information on this action, see Update Room Areas .

Note : The Property Abstract, Property Benchmark, and Building Benchmarks reports include Area - Bldg. Est. Rentable . which is not a calculated field. The Area - Bldg. Est. Rentable is an estimate of the total rentable areas in all buildings located on the property that you enter for the property using the Portfolio Edit Wizard.

The following are the area fields that are based on a building performance inventory:

Area Description Shown in these reports
Area - Bldg. Rentable

This is the sum of the Area Rentable for all buildings assigned to this property.

Archibus calculates this area when you generate the report. However, a building's rentable area is summed from its floor's rentable areas. Archibus calculates a floor's rentable area by subtracting its vertical penetration areas from the internal gross area when you run the Update Area Totals action.

Rentable area indicates the total income-producing area of a building, and is useful for analyzing the economic potential of a building.

See Rentable Area .

Property Abstract

Building Abstract

Property & Building Benchmarks

Area - Bldg. Usable

This is the sum of the Area Usable for all buildings assigned to the property. Archibus calculates this area when you generate the report. However, a building's usable area is summed from its floors' usable areas. Archibus calculates a floor's usable area by subtracting the floor's service areas and vertical penetration areas from its internal gross area when you run the Update Area Totals action.

Use this area to review the actual occupiable area for all buildings on the property.

See Usable Area.

Property & Building Benchmarks

Area - Building Internal Gross

This area is the sum of the Internal Gross Area values for all buildings assigned to this property. This area is developed as part of a CAD building performance inventory.

Use this field to assess a building's total floor area.

Property Financial Summary

Property Abstract


Note : See the Building Benchmarks section of the Benchmark Calculations for Reports topic for descriptions of the benchmarks, such as Cost per Employee, G/U, U/R, and RU ratios, calculated for buildings.

Rentable Area

The area in a building that is leased, or could be leased, to a tenant. Rentable area indicates the total income-producing area of a building, and is useful for analyzing the economic potential of a building.

A building's rentable area is the sum of the Rentable Areas for all floors located in the building. Archibus calculates a floor's rentable area by subtracting its vertical penetration areas from the internal gross area when the Update Area Totals action is run.

Building Abstract

Lease Abstract

Rent Roll

Lease Benchmarks

Property and Building Benchmarks

Usable Area

A building's usable area is the sum of Usable Areas for all floors for the building. Archibus calculates a floor's usable area by subtracting the floor's service areas and vertical penetration areas from its internal gross area when the Update Area Totals action is run.

Usable area can house furniture and personnel. The useable area is a gauge of the occupiable area of a floor. If all your Service area is designated as non-occupiable, then the Usable area is equal to the Total Occupiable Area.

Building Abstract

Lease Abstract

Rent Roll

Lease Benchmarks

Property and Building Benchmarks

Total Occup. Area

This is the sum of the building's room areas that are assigned to a room category that has the Occupiable? field set to Yes.

Occupiable rooms includes offices, cubicles, and workstations, and can include additional types of rooms depending on how you define your room categories.

Use this field to review the total occupiable area for a building, and to compare this building to others. Comparing the occupiable area to the building's Usable Area helps you assess if any of your service area has been classified as occupiable and can potentially be used to assign personnel. See Occupiable / Non-Occupiable Rooms (Concept).

Building Abstract
Total Non-Occup. Area

This is the sum of the building's room areas that are assigned to a room category that has the Occupiable? field set to No.

Non-occupiable areas are any rooms that are not used for department personnel. Examples of non-occupiable areas are file rooms, storage areas, and mechanical rooms. The specific types of rooms that are designated as non-occupiable depend on how you define your room categories.

Use this field to review the total non-occupiable area for a building, and to compare this building to others.

Building Abstract
Total Non-Occup. Common Area

This is the sum of the building's room areas that are prorated to the building and that are assigned to a room category that has the Occupiable? field set to No.

Use this area to assess how much of the common area that is being charged back to departments is non-occupiable . The common area is calculated when the Update Area Totals action is run from one of the processes for the Space Inventory & Personnel application.

You designate a room as common area prorated to the building by setting its prorate field to Building.

Building Abstract
Total Occup. Common Area

This is the sum of the building's room areas that are prorated to the building and that are assigned to a room category that has the Occupiable? field set to Yes.

Use this area to assess how much of the common area that is being charged back to departments is occupiable . The common area is calculated when the Update Area Totals action is run from one of the processes for the Space Inventory & Personnel application.

You designate a room as common area prorated to the building by setting its prorate field to Building.

Building Abstract
Service Area

This area is the sum of all service areas for this building's floors. Service area is floor area in a facility that is necessary for the operation of the facility and is not available for general occupancy. Examples of service areas are primary circulation (hallways, corridors, and lobbies), and building support areas (such as mechanical rooms, janitor closets, and bathrooms). Depending on how you assess your space, some service area might be classified as occupiable. See Occupiable / Non-Occupiable Rooms (Concept).

Service Area is calculated when the Update Area Totals task is run from one of the processes for the Space Inventory & Personnel application.

You designate a room as service area by assigning it to the 'Serv' room category.

Building Abstract

Lease Measured Areas

The following calculations use lease measured areas, including Area - Lease Measured that is calculated by adding a prorated portion of the common area to the actual area that a suite, group, or room occupies. This area is the area that can be charged for. These area fields are calculated when the report is generated.

Area Description Shown in these reports
Area - Lease Measured

Use this field to review the total leased area on a property that can be charged for.

The Area - Lease Measured is summed from suites, groups, or rooms, depending on the lease area method you have selected.

The Area - Lease Measured is the sum of the Area Meas. Rentable for all leases on the property. To be included in the calculation, these measured areas must be associated with a lease for one of the buildings on the property.

Archibus calculates the Area - Lease Measured when you generate the report.

Property Abstract

Property and Building Benchmarks

Area - Meas. Usable

The usable area assigned to the lease. Depending on the Lease Area Method you set, this area will be summed from the usable area for the suites assigned to the lease, or from the area for groups , or rooms assigned to the lease.

Use this area to review the total actual area that a suite, group, or room occupies.

This is a drawing-driven value derived from the suite, group, or room area asset symbol. It is used to calculate the Area - Meas. Rentable. See Area - Meas. Rentable.

Lease Abstract

Lease Benchmarks

Area - Meas. Common

The part of the common area (such as meeting rooms and circulation space used by multiple departments) for the floor that is attributable to this lease. Depending on your specified Lease Area Method, this area will be summed from suites, groups, or rooms.

The Area - Meas. Common area is calculated when the report is generated.

Lease Abstract

Lease Benchmarks

Area - Meas. Rentable

The lease's rentable area is the measured area for the lease. Depending on your specified Lease Area Method, this area will be summed from suites, groups, or rooms.

When using Suites as your Lease Area Method, the lease's Area Meas. Rentable is calculated as the sum of the Area - Rentable for all suites assigned to the lease. The Area Rentable for a suite is the sum of the Area Usable (the actual area that the suite occupies) for the suites assigned to the lease, plus the Total Common Area that is prorated to the suites. The suite's Area Rentable is calculated when the charge back costs action is run.

If you are using Groups or Rooms as your Lease Area Method, the lease's Area Meas. Rentable will be summed from the chargeable area for the groups or rooms assigned to the lease. The Chargeable Area is the actual area a room or group occupies plus a proportional percentage of facility common area calculated by the charge back costs action.

Lease Abstract

Rent Roll Report

Lease Negotiated Areas

Other calculated areas summarize negotiated areas for leases or buildings that are not measured area, but rather are based on the area negotiated for the lease. These negotiated areas do not require a CAD inventory. However, if you have both measured and negotiated areas, you can compare them to evaluate whether you need to renegotiate any leases.

These fields are calculated when the report is generated.

Area Description Shown in these reports
Area - Lease Negotiated

Sum of the Area - Neg. Rentable entered for each lease for the buildings belonging to the property. The Area - Neg. Rentable is the area to which the landlord and tenant agree and which is specified in the lease agreement document.

Comparing measured and negotiated area values can indicate leases that need to be renegotiated.

Property Abstract

Building Abstract

Total Lease Negotiated Area The sum of the Area - Negotiated Rentable field of the leases that are assigned to this building. Property and Building Benchmarks
Area - Neg. Rentable

The area to which the landlord and tenant agree and which is specified in the lease agreement document. With the Real Property domain, you record negotiated area by entering it in the Area - Negotiated Rentable field from the Leases tab of the Portfolio Edit Wizard.

The Area - Neg. Rentable is used to calculate lease benchmarks (Lease Benchmarks report), and to calculate the Yearly Net Inc / Neg Rent Area (Lease Abstract report).

The Area - Neg. Rentable is not a calculated field, but in the Lease Financial Summary report on the Overview tab, this area is summarized for all leases for a country; on the Details tab this area is shown for each lease included in the country's total.

Lease Abstract

Lease Benchmarks

Lease Financial Summary