Installing Archibus with Oracle

Archibus works with several database servers. With this system architecture, you can choose the server that best suits your needs, best integrates with your other corporate databases, or is easiest for your system managers to support.

This section discusses how to use Archibus with the Oracle family of servers from Oracle Corporation. This section is intended for IT managers who are installing Archibus at their site.

This section presumes you are very familiar with Oracle database administration.

Versions of Oracle

This document describes a typical scenario for installing Archibus. Because the installation instructions cover multiple versions of the Oracle Workgroup Server, the Archibus installation procedure installs multiple versions of the files that you need for configuring Archibus for use with Oracle.

If you have another type of network, you or your database administrator should refer to this typical Archibus installation and modify it to fit your own Oracle installation.


This section has the following components:

You may be using the same computer in more than one role. For example, you might use the same computer as both the file and the database server, or you might even use the same computer as the file server, the database server, and the client workstation. In this case, you follow the same procedures outlined in this document, only you perform the steps on the same computer rather than on different computers.

Note: The Oracle database server includes a robust technology for connecting client workstations to servers running on a multitude of different platforms. As a result, by using the Oracle database products, Archibus can work with different Oracle servers, such as those running on UNIX servers.

Because Oracle has such a broad product line, it is beyond the scope of this documentation or of the standard Archibus Technical Support to cover the installation of the Oracle product itself. All Archibus installations with Oracle should be performed only by an Oracle-certified database administrator.
